Numb3rs Slash Fic by Joolz
I picked this image up somewhere on the internet, sorry I don't remember the site, and I can't take credit for it.
Rhapsody (3,200 words)

NC-17 (Slash Don/Charlie, PWP, First Time)

They've been waiting for this a long time.
Charlie knew that he�d led a sheltered life, but he was fairly sure things weren�t supposed to rise up out of the sand and tie you down all on their own.
SEA CREATURES (2,750 words)
NC-17  (Slash Don/Charlie, PWP, Crack!fic Challenge, Kink)

- you've been warned! 
MOVING IN (1,600 words)
R (Slash Don/Charlie, Romance)

It's a tragedy when Don's apartment building burns down.  Or is it?
"This could really work."
Don put his hands on Charlie�s hips, as though to steady him.  Bone and muscle felt solid � this was Charlie�s body, and Don was touching it in a way he never had before.
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