Title:  Sea Creatures

Author:  Joolz

Feedback:  [email protected]

Pairing:  Don/Charlie

Rating:  NC-17

Category:  Slash, PWP, Challenge

Season/Spoilers:  Any/None

Notes:  The challenge was crack!fic, which means to write something so outrageous that people wonder what kind of drugs the author was taking.  This is definitely crack!fic.

Summary:  Tentacle!Porn

Warnings:  Tentacle!Porn.  If you’re reading this you probably already know that Don and Charlie are brothers.  Don’t expect characterization, plot or logic.





Don and Charlie drove down the Pacific Coast Highway enjoying the sunshine and refreshingly clean air.  It was rare that they both had a day off at the same time, and Charlie was glad that Don had invited him on a day-trip to Santa Barbara.  They’d had a long, relaxed lunch, visited a couple of wineries and were winding their way south again along the craggy coastline.


As they rounded a bend where the sun reflecting off the electric blue water was particularly dazzling, Don pulled the car over to the side of the road, well away from the passing traffic.  As he put it into park, he turned to Charlie and smiled, saying, “Let’s go down to the beach.”


Charlie looked out the window doubtfully.  “Here?  It’s pretty rocky.”


Don was already getting out of the car.  “Let’s see if there’s any beach down there.”


If he didn’t want to be a stick-in-the-mud party-pooper there wasn’t really much choice, and Charlie followed his brother.  They scrambled up a small rise of boulders and looked down the other side.  More large rocks stood between them and a sliver of sandy beach about 30 feet below.


Looking at the boyish grin that made Don’s eyes squint and twinkle, Charlie decided to put aside any doubts and try to make sure that expression stayed a while.  There wasn’t a lot of fun in Don’s life at the moment.  Besides, there wasn’t a ‘No Swimming Allowed’ sign Right There.


Narrowing his eyes in challenge, Charlie began working his way down the embankment.  Don was beside him in an instant.  The pair joked and laughed,  feeling like kids embarking on an adventure, until they reached the shore.


They were in a tiny cove, with outcroppings of rock on either side.  The highway above wasn’t visible, and Charlie realized that it was entirely private.


The observant Don noticed too, and suggested, “How ‘bout we go swimming?  The water looks great.”


It did.  It was clear and blue with tame, little waves.  What looked even better was Don when he pulled his T-shirt off over his head.


“Uh, Don?”


Don brushed off his abbreviated question.  “Come on.  What?  Haven’t you ever been skinny dipping before?”


Don was unzipping his jeans, and Charlie’s mouth went dry.  Far be it from him to disappoint his big bro’, right?  He stripped his own T-shirt off in one movement.


In moments they were standing naked between sand and sky.  Then Don ran into the water, whooping as he belly flopped into a small wave.  Charlie joined him and they began a game of ‘If I catch you, I dunk you’ keep away.


Charlie felt happier than he had in a long time.  He relished time spent with Don and the sea seemed to be washing away all the structure and rules and gravity from their lives, leaving just the two of them.


He especially liked getting this up-close look at Don’s body.  It was gorgeous.  Don’s arms bulged with muscle.  His chest was strong with an attractive pattern of hair – wide at the top and slimming to a single line that bisected his flat belly.  His hips and legs were runner-sleek.  Charlie had to force himself not to stare at Don’s cock, hanging from a thatch of thick, black hair. 


He loved Don’s body and thought it perfect.  Every proportion perfect.  Perfect symmetry.   It made him feel self-conscious about his own less developed academic’s body.  It didn’t compare.


Except that he noticed Don glancing at him more than once and apparently liking what he was seeing.  Charlie froze in place when realization sunk in.  Don was checking him out!  In THAT way.  Like a man checks out someone he’s interested in having sex with.  Like Charlie had been checking Don out.


His immobility gave Don the chance to tackle him into the water once again.  Charlie relaxed and let his body move with Don’s.  Wet skin brushed – he wasn’t sure what exactly, but it felt wonderful.


Then Don stood, pulling Charlie up with him.  Charlie felt nicely smug to note the color that had risen in Don’s face, that he was sure had nothing to do with sun burn. 


Charlie headed toward the beach.  “Let’s get out for a while.”


Don hesitated, but then followed and Charlie saw why.  That tempting cock was beginning to fill and Don looked embarrassed.


Thinking he’d take this just a little further, Charlie lay down in the sand, arranging himself on his back so that his body was on full display.


Don stood with water lapping around his feet and didn’t hide his interest.  His eyes swept up and down Charlie’s body and finally focused on his face.  Taking several determined steps, Don flopped down to the right of Charlie, closer than most men would get to a casual buddy, especially naked.  He leaned on his elbow watching Charlie, clearly thinking, then sighed and dropped onto his back, staring at the sky.


Charlie tried to hide his disappointment.  It figured Don would not cross the line.  He probably thought he was protecting his little brother, whether little brother wanted protecting or not.


Charlie contemplated the sky sadly, watching the few puffy, white clouds skitter by.  It had been a fun afternoon, anyway, if not entirely satisfying.


His hands were cushioning his head, and he felt a tickle along his forearm.  He jerked his arm slightly, just enough to dislodge the stray spider or crab he assumed it to be.  The tickle didn’t go away, but before he could brush it off more directly, he heard his brother say, “What the..?”


When he attempted to turn to face Don, Charlie found he couldn’t.  Suddenly something was holding his wrists to the sand above his head.  He couldn’t move his ankles, either.


Charlie saw that dark, bluish-gray ridged bands had Don’s wrists pinned to the ground at his sides, and his ankles, too.  Even worse, there was one around Don’s neck, immobilizing him completely.


“Don!  What is it?”  Charlie knew that he’d led a sheltered life, but he was fairly sure things weren’t supposed to rise up out of the sand and tie you down all on their own.


Don answered, his voice sounding choked from the constriction around his neck, “I don’t know!  Charlie, don’t move.  It gets tighter if you struggle.”


Yeah, he’d noticed that.  Part of his mind was already calculating the amount the restraints tightened in relation to the force applied in escape attempts. 


As if being bound by whatever it was – plant, animal, he couldn’t tell – weren’t bad enough, more of the blue-gray things started sprouting from the sand around them.  They were thin, snake-like limbs that reminded him of the appendages of octopi.  They narrowed to a blunt point at the tips. 


There was small forest of them, approximately 14, he concluded from the area they occupied, minus the size of Charlie and Don’s bodies, times their approximate distribution per square foot.  They waved in the air for a moment, then one bent toward Charlie’s chest.


When it touched him, it was warm and solid, yet flexible.  Like pure muscle.  Like a tongue, maybe.  It brushed through his chest hair leaving a slick trail, the end coming to rest on his left nipple, where it began rubbing back and forth.


His alarm growing, Charlie gasped, “Oh my god!  Don!  What’s happening?”


Both annoyed and distressed, Don answered, “How the hell should I know?  Just try to stay still.”


Charlie didn’t think that was enough of an answer, but when Don started shouting for help, probably hoping that someone passing on the highway would somehow hear him, one of the things plunged into Don’s mouth, stifling the sound.  It was an effective lesson that Charlie took to heart.  Don’t struggle.


The tentacle protruding from the sand between Charlie’s legs dipped and began to nudge Charlie’s penis, which was not amused.  The thing lay itself on Charlie’s belly and began rubbing up and down along the length of his organ, while the first tentacle switched sides to stimulate his right nipple.


He’d never felt anything like it.  The touch didn’t in itself feel threatening, rather it was clearly meant to arouse.  But it wasn’t a person.  There was no body, no face, none of the visual signals that made up lovemaking.  Just pressure and warmth and friction.


Charlie could see that another of the things had completely wrapped itself around Don’s cock in a spiral, and was pulsating.  Don was grimacing, but a pained/pleasured moan escaped around the limb invading his mouth, along with a panted breath.  Don’s penis was hardening and pushing against the binding.


It was that as much as the direct stimulation that caused Charlie’s body to respond.  As blood rushed into his cock, the tentacle stroked it affectionately, like a cat rubbing against his master’s ankles.  Then it fell back a bit to nudge against Charlie’s balls.


He was distracted from the intimate sensation by the other feeler, which abandoned his nipple and moved to his mouth, which he clamped shut defensively.  It brushed against his lips, almost like a kiss, then tried to push between them.


Charlie tried to keep his teeth closed, but was breathing harder than usual and had to open his mouth.  The tip of the bizarre limb entered, but only slightly.  It tickled the end of his tongue almost playfully.


It tasted salty and clean and totally unfamiliar.  It was slightly slimy, and Charlie would have expected it to be covered in sand, all things considered, but it wasn’t.


Since it wasn’t hurting him, Charlie calmed slightly and concentrated on relaxing his body.  He could feel the slick appendage rubbing over and between his balls, up and down and around his now erect cock.  It felt…strangely…really…pretty…hot. 


Relaxed or not, he wasn’t prepared when one of the things trailed up his inner thigh and began teasing at his ass hole, causing heat to flash directly up his cock.  He cried out, and the one at his mouth slid in a bit farther.


Beside him, Charlie heard Don’s muffled shout of, “Charlie?”


He didn’t want his brother to think the things were killing him, so he answered as best he could, “It’s okay!  It’s…oh, god…okay, Don!”


Then it was breaching him.  The narrow tip slid in through the clenched muscle of his anus and into his rectum.  It was the size and shape of a cock and filled him without stretching too far.  It began to move in him like a cock would, scraping against his prostate with each and every stroke.  The heat and the need were rising in him, and Charlie wanted to tell it more, faster.


He heard another noise beside him and turned his head.  One of the tentacles was doing the same thing to his brother.  The long, slim – phallic – shape was thrusting rhythmically into Don’s body, and Don’s back was arched in arousal.


Then Charlie’s full attention was wrenched back to his own body as the things attending to him coordinated their movements.  His mouth and ass were penetrated in synchronized pulses.  His cock was squeezed and both nipples flicked in time.  It was like he was being fucked, sucking cock, getting a hand job and being stoked by a couple more people besides, all at the same time.  It was overwhelming.  How the hell did whatever the hell this was know how to give him the best sex of his life?


Charlie could feel the burn rising, the pressure growing.  He was going to come.  He was right on the verge.  He was going to come…now! 


Then all the stimulation was gone.  There was nothing in his ass or mouth, nothing touching his skin but the California sea breeze.  The sudden cessation of stimulation was almost painful.  He wanted to scream.  He wasn’t sure, but he thought maybe he did.


Then Don was beside him, touching him.  Don was kneeling, his dark erection standing up against his belly.  He was free.


Charlie wasn’t.  His wrists were still held above his head.  The coils of – creature – were still around his ankles, but they were moving.  They were pushing his legs up toward his chest.  Slowly, the sinewy rope moved him into position, knees up and apart, his ass exposed.


Don was clawing at the living shackles at Charlie’s wrists, trying break or stretch them. There was no effect, no give at all.


Charlie’s body was still crying out.  The want was still there, the need.  His mind was growing clearer, however.




It took the older man a moment to respond to his name.




The familiar, much loved face hovered over his.   “What?”


“Don, it…they…it wants you to fuck me.”


Don shook his head.


“Please, I want you to.  I need you to.  Please, Don.  Plea…”


A hand over his mouth stopped his words.  Don whispered intently, “Don’t.  Don’t beg.  Never beg, not to me.”


When the fingers were removed, Charlie said, “Then fuck me now.”


Don shifted to kneel between Charlie’s legs.  His eyes were slightly glassy, but also dark with desire.  He leaned down and covered Charlie’s lips with his own.


Their tongues met, both tasting of salt.  Don murmured, “So beautiful, Charlie.  Love you so much.”


Human fingers touched his opening.  It was still slick and stretched, and the fingers were soon followed by a blunt human appendage.  Don’s cock slid into him.


He’d thought that what he’d felt before was good, but it paled in comparison to this.  Don’s handsome face looked down at him, slack with pleasure.  Don’s cock was hot inside him, pumping into him.  One hand caressed Charlie’s erection.  Perfect.


Charlie tried to rock up to meet the thrusts, but he couldn’t move.  He was bound, helpless, receiving more pleasure than he knew how to handle.  And giving it, too.  Don was moaning and bucking, taking Charlie hard.  Oh, god, so perfect.


Pressure was building again, taking his breath, making it hard to do anything but feel the passion and strength of his brother’s body.  Then release poured through him, pulses of white hot ecstasy like he’d never experienced, the orgasm shaking him to his core. 


Charlie floated for a while, he didn’t know how long, but opened his eyes in time to see Don throw his head back and shout, “Charlie!” as he came.  As Don slumped onto his chest, Charlie wrapped his arms around him and held him close, with all the tenderness he possessed.


That was when Charlie noticed that he was free.  He wasn’t bound and there was no sign of the whatever-it-was creature anywhere.  He relaxed and enjoyed the feeling of Don’s weight on his body.


After Don’s breathing slowed to normal, he lifted his head and met Charlie’s eyes.  “You okay?”


Charlie smiled.  “Great.”


Don nodded in response and dropped his head back down onto Charlie’s shoulder.  He held Charlie for a moment, then pushed himself to his knees, and then to his feet.  Don held out a hand and helped Charlie stand.


They staggered to where their clothes lay in piles and pulled them on with shaking hands. 


Still slightly stunned, they made their way up the rocky bank.  When they reached the top, they turned and looked back down.  It was a calm cove with a sliver of sandy beach – the sand smooth and undisturbed, like nothing had ever touched it.


Charlie and Don looked at each other.  Don said evenly, “Nothing happened here.  Nothing at all.”


Charlie nodded in acceptance.  That was how it had to be.  There was no other way.


Don pressed the back of his fingers to Charlie’s cheek, the only acknowledgment he could give.  Then he started toward the car, which sat right where they’d left it, as though the world hadn’t turned upside down in the meantime.


Don was saying, “I’ll call the Coast Guard.  There may have been a leak of hallucinogenic gas along here somewhere.”


Charlie looked around carefully, memorizing the mile marker and other landmarks. 


So they could find this spot again.










Um are apologies in order?



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