Sentinel Slash
Fan Fiction
by Joolz
Blair stood up and began to pace, ignoring Jim's scowl.  "I'm just thinking out loud here.  The Wing of Isis has the reputation of being a powerful magic symbol or implement.  There are still people who take ancient Egyptian magic quite seriously.  They may believe that it will in fact grant them eternal life. That would be worth killing for."
(Slash, Crossover with Stargate SG1, Angst, Hurt/Comfort) 240k
Four very strong individuals come to grips with what's important in life.  Each other.
Stargate Gen
Stargate Adult
Sentinel Gen
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Blake's 7 Gen
Smallville Adult
Atlantis Adult
Atlantis Gen
Nominated for Best Crossover Slash Story
Harry Potter Adult       Numb3rs Adult  
Torchwood / Doctor Who Adult
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