Title:  Rhapsody

Author:  Joolz

Category:  PWP, Challenge, First Time, pre-series

Rating:  NC-17

Pairing: Don/Charlie

Word Count:  3,200

Summary:  They’ve been waiting a long time for this.

Challenge Prompt:  Don and Charlie go to a concert. 

Notes:  Okay, for the time being we’ll ignore the fact that Don and Charlie could not have gone to a 1977 era Queen concert.  They would have been about three and eight respectively.  I know.  This is fiction - they’re going anyway.  Plus, I don’t know where Don went to college, so I’m using UC San Diego.

Quoted lyrics are all by Queen.

Disclaimer:  Not my lovely characters, just playing with them.

Warnings:  Incest, but you knew that already, right?  Underage.







Don’s excitement had been growing for days, his mind never far from what was going to happen.  Yeah, the concert itself was worth being excited about, but it was way more than that.  Don was going to do something he’d been wanting to do for a long time.


It was spring break at CalSci, and since Don had a break from UCSD too, to give Mom and Dad some time alone together he was taking Charlie on a road trip to San Francisco.  Supposedly, it was so that Charlie could talk to some professors at Stanford, but the boys knew the real reason.  They were going to the hot concert of the year.


Queen.  One hit after another.  Flashy, stylish, wild.  The ultimate concert experience. 


Don had managed to get tickets, and he could have taken anyone he wanted.  His friends, the girls he knew, they would all have been competing for the chance to go.  An image had come to him in a flash of clarity, though, and then there was really only one choice of who to share this with.


As they filed into the stadium Don was tense with anticipation, and Charlie kept looking at him like he was trying to figure out what was wrong.  But there was no way Don could explain why his stomach felt like he’d swallowed barbed wire.


He was going to touch Charlie today.  Finally.





The family was seated at the dinner table, having the same boring conversation as always.  What Dad did at work that day, how Charlie was adjusting to being a thirteen year old high school senior.  Blah, blah.


Don felt something on the side of his leg, like a bug or something.  He swung his hand down to knock it off, but it wasn’t a bug.  Charlie’s fingers were tickling the outside of his thigh.  Don sent him a look, but Charlie was in the middle of telling what he clearly thought was an amusing story about how May Louise Green split her pants when she bent over to pick up a dropped book, and he didn’t even notice Don’s ‘you’re a pain in the ass’ glare.


The beef strew was good, so Don went back to eating.  A few minutes later he felt the touch again.  This time he batted Charlie’s hand away more forcefully.  What a little dweeb the kid was, always trying to annoy Don.


Then Don caught Charlie looking at him, and there was something in his expression.  It was THAT look, the one he’d been giving Don for a while now.  All hot and hungry.  Every time he did it, it made Charlie look like a stranger, and it made Don nervous. 


Don pushed away from the table.


“I’m going to Matt’s to practice.”


He was out the door before either of his parents could protest.




The atmosphere in the stadium was amazing, like one really huge party.  No alcohol was allowed in, but that didn’t seem to stop anyone from having it anyway.  Once in a while the sweet smell of pot would wash over the crowd, though Don couldn’t see who was smoking. 


Charlie had forgotten to be worried about Don, and was staring around with wide eyes.  Don guessed that Mom didn’t let him go to a lot of rock concerts, even though he was in grad school.  She was way overprotective, but all that did was make Charlie better at sneaking around.  She thought Charlie at seventeen was her innocent baby; little did she know.


Still, even Don was impressed.  They were standing on the floor of the large basketball stadium, close to the stage, instead of seated in the bleachers.  The stage was simple, with just the drum kit, keyboard and microphones, but there was a huge array of lights suspended overhead and massive speakers.  A long runway extended out from the stage into the audience.


The floor was packed tight and the brothers were jostled and bumped as people moved around them.  It wasn’t a problem, though.  Everybody was in a good mood.  Some were looking a little green from too much MD2020 in the parking lot before coming in, but Don and Charlie were sober.  Don wanted to remember every minute of this night.


The opening band Thin Lizzy came on, and that was cool.  People were bopping to the music, but everyone knew it wasn’t the main act and they were holding back in anticipation. 


Don himself was relaxing.  He felt alive, like he could rule the world. He was in control, and he was ready. 


At intermission they pushed their way to the edge of the crowd and made it to the bathroom, then Don elbowed through the excited throng to get them back close to the stage, with Charlie behind him hanging onto his belt loops.  Charlie was still pretty short, and Don made sure to clear them enough space so he wouldn’t get crushed.


Then the lights all went off, plunging ten thousand people into pitch blackness, and a hush fell over the crowd.


A disembodied voice said over the speakers, “Ladies and Gentlemen, Queen.”


A roar welled up from the audience as a spotlight hit Freddie Mercury at the keyboard, all but drowning out the first notes of an instrumental opening.  The lights widened to show the whole band.


Don felt his excitement grow.  This was so fucking cool.  Mercury was wearing a one-piece thing, Don thought it was called a unitard, but he wasn’t sure.  Skin tight, white, cut down below his belly button, but with shoulder straps.  From where they were standing they had a great view, and the outfit left little to the imagination. 


Charlie turned to Don, his eyes bright and smile beaming.  Don grinned back, not even trying to pretend indifference.  Yeah, he was the older brother, been to concerts before, but this was Queen!


The music rolled over them, the lights flashing on and off, the colors shifting, the crowd transfixed and surging in response.


Freddie Mercury struck a pose on the runway, not far from where they were standing. 


“I’ve got to find me…. Somebody to love…” 


Don shifted Charlie in front of him, shielding him from the crowd’s exuberant response.


Then, “She’s a killer queen …”


It was time.  Don’s gut tightened, but he didn’t want to wait any longer.  He put his hands on Charlie’s hips, as though to steady him.  Bone and muscle felt solid – this was Charlie’s body, and Don was touching it in a way he never had before.  A thrill shivered through him.


Don slid his hands forward across Charlie’s belly, encircling him with his arms.




The illicit touches under the dinner table continued, and Charlie grew bolder, sliding his fingers over the top of Don’s thigh and squeezing.  Don shifted away or pushed his hand off, over and over again.  Don didn’t know what to think about it; mostly he thought Charlie was weird.  Whatever this was, it was definitely, totally weird, but it was between him and Charlie.  Don never said anything, and their parents never noticed.


It was kind of fun, actually, like a game.  It dangerous, too, and Don got a kick out of that.  Even though several days might go by between Charlie’s attempts to touch him, Don was always thinking about it now.  All through dinner, he would wait for the tell-tale heat of a hand moving closer to his leg, of fingers running over the denim of his jeans.   He always wondered, would Charlie try something that evening, or not?  It made dinner time interesting, and in fact, had Don looking forward to it.


He didn’t know what Charlie was trying to prove, but it didn’t really matter to Don, because he was enjoying it. 


In fact, he was ready to up the ante a little bit.  Don decided to call Charlie’s bluff.  Instead of pushing his hand away, Don would ignore it, and see how Charlie reacted.  Don thought his brother would probably back off, the fun of the game being in aggravating Don.  It would be kind of too bad if it stopped, but okay because Don would have won, whatever the game was.


So the next time he felt Charlie touch his leg, Don did nothing.  He took a drink of iced tea and nodded at what his father was saying.


Charlie’s fingers brushed his thigh and dipped to the inner seam.


Don did nothing.


The fingers stilled, like Charlie was expecting to be smacked. 


He wasn’t smacked.


Don buttered his bread, smirking inside.  Now Charlie would chicken out. 


He didn’t.  Charlie’s hand spread wide on Don’s leg and squeezed, almost like a warning.  Don grinned.


Their dad said, “Do I take it, Don, that that’s a yes?  I’m sure you’ll enjoy golf if you give it a try.  I can pick you up after school Thursday.”


Don hadn’t been listening, and now he was going to have to go play golf with the old man, or explain why he was smiling. 


“Sure, Dad.  Sounds good.”


Charlie’s fingers moved up, toward his crotch.  Not what Don was expecting, and the tickle to the sensitive area had him hardening.


“That’s great,” their dad went on.  Arnie’s boy plays really well now.  They team up sometimes in the tournaments.  Not that you have to do that too, I just mean it’ll be nice to spend some time together.”


Charlie’s hand was still moving up, and Don couldn’t believe it.  Charlie sure hadn’t chickened out, and now Don had to play along.  It looked like his own bluff had been called, but how far was Charlie going to go?


“Yeah,” he choked out, trying to act like nothing was happening except talk about golf.  “It’ll be fun.”


Charlie touched the crotch of Don’s jeans.  He had to feel that Don was hard as a rock, but he still didn’t pull his hand away.  He traced up the length of Don’s cock, and Don felt like he was seconds from coming.  It was a soft contact, he could really barely feel it through the denim and the zipper, but he knew Charlie was touching his dick.  He’d never been more turned on in his life.


Don pushed back from the table, away from Charlie’s hand.  Don couldn’t look at his brother as he excused himself.  The little brat had totally won this round.


Don bolted up the stairs to the bathroom, where he fumbled to get his jeans open as quickly as possible.  He’d barely gotten his hard-on out before he was coming into the toilet, thinking of that ghostly caress. 






As Don’s arms closed around Charlie, the younger man tensed momentarily, then relaxed, leaning back against Don’s chest.  Charlie tried to turn his head to look at Don, or worse, say something, and Don shouted, the equivalent of a whisper under the circumstances, “Don’t.  Watch the show.”


Charlie turned back to the stage, apparently willing to follow Don’s lead. 


Don buried his nose in the thick hair curled behind Charlie’s ear and inhaled.  It smelled clean, slightly sweaty, and so much like Charlie.  Don felt an emotion move through him that he couldn’t define, but it was warm and sweet.  He could feel the heat of Charlie’s back against his chest, and it was perfect.  Charlie was just short enough that they fit together just right. 


Moving a hand upward over his shirt, Don felt the contours of Charlie’s chest.  There were planes and curves and the slight roughness of hair, and Don was fascinated.  As the music changed to a quiet ballad, he pushed one hand up underneath Charlie’s shirt, to touch his body directly.  He felt, more than heard, Charlie gasp at the contact.  The heart under his hand beat wildly.


It felt so good, Don didn’t know how he’d lived this long without touching Charlie.




Making up excuses, Don was away at dinner time for a couple of days, but in truth he didn’t know which he wanted more, for Charlie to never do that again, or for Charlie to do that again.


Eventually, Don got mad at himself.  He couldn’t let Charlie get to him like this.  No way was he going to admit defeat in whatever game he and Charlie were playing.  Don didn’t like to lose ever, and especially not to his little brother.  He decided to take control of the situation.


He went back to the normal routine, and the next time Charlie started to feel him up, Don let his thighs fall loosely open: an invitation, demonstrating that Charlie wasn’t getting to Don, daring him to do it again.


Don was only a little surprised when the stubborn bastard didn’t back down, but moved his hand directly to Don’s cock, which swelled obediently under the pressure.  Don may have jumped slightly at the contact, but covered by reaching for the potatoes. 


Charlie was describing some kind of mathematical problem in enough detail to make their parents’ eyes glaze over and stroking Don’s cock at the same time, and never missed a word.  Don couldn’t help but admire his brother in that moment, even as he considered strangling him.  The kid was so cool, butter wouldn’t melt in his mouth. 


But his hand was damn hot.  It took all Don’s control to not thrust into it.  Charlie rubbed the heel of his hand up and down just fast enough to make Don crazy, but not fast enough that he could come.  Not that he wanted to, not at the table anyway.  That would be too much.  When he couldn’t stand any more, he shifted away, and concentrated on finishing his meal. 


As soon as he could, he escaped to the back yard.  There was a place where a small alcove sheltered him from being seen from the windows of the house, and from any snooping neighbors.  He leaned against the brick and unzipped his jeans.  His erection heavy in his hand, Don closed his eyes and started to stroke himself.  Hearing a noise, he opened his eyes and saw Charlie standing a few feet away, watching.  Don pulled roughly at himself a couple of times and came, with Charlie watching avidly. 


When the rush passed, Don tucked himself back in and zipped up.  Then he met Charlie’s eyes.  There was no denying that the covert touching was exciting him, and Don didn’t try.  As they looked at each other, some kind of understanding was reached.  This was okay.  Whatever was happening, they were in it together.


His eyes dropping to Don’s crotch, Charlie said, “I want….”


Don walked past him, almost swaggering, and ruffled his hair.  “I know.”


Then he kept going.  They might not make sense to anyone else, but this game was going to have rules, and Don would set them.





The entire stadium went dark just as Don slid his hand under the waistband of Charlie’s pants.  That made the moment Don touched Charlie’s cock more dramatic, but it wouldn’t really have mattered if every light in the place had been on.  Everyone around them was focused entirely on the stage, not on them.  Even if someone did notice what Don was doing, they wouldn’t have cared.  No one knew who they were.


He cupped the heated flesh under his hand, and Charlie jerked his hips forward for more.


Tight harmonies rose from the speakers in the darkness.


“Is this the real life, or is this fantasy”


Don gripped Charlie’s length firmly, trying to memorize the textures and the contours.  He’d imagined how it might feel many times, but this was the real thing.


The lights came back, and Don noticed that Freddie Mercury was now wearing a black one-piece whatever it was.  The lights weren’t down long enough for him to have gone off stage, so he must have changed right there in the middle of the stadium, in the dark.  That was hot, but not as hot as Charlie.


Not one to be passive, Charlie pushed back, grinding his ass against Don’s own erection.  That was fine, Don certainly wasn’t going to complain, but tonight it wasn’t about him.  Tonight was going to be something Charlie would remember all his life.


It wouldn’t be the first time someone got his younger brother off, Don knew that.  While Charlie was at Princeton, and now back in LA attending CalSci, he and Charlie talked on the phone when their parents couldn’t hear, and Charlie told Don about his boyfriends.  Mom lived in blissful ignorance of what else happened at some of those study sessions besides studying, and would have been amazed if she’d known who her precious, innocent little boy really was. 


Don asked enough questions to make sure Charlie wasn’t getting into anything dangerous, but he liked to hear Charlie talk about his experiences.  He was the only person Charlie was open with, and it was something that was just theirs to share.


Like this moment was just theirs.  Don stroked Charlie firmly, his other arm tightening around Charlie’s torso.  He knew full well how long Charlie had been waiting for Don to touch him, how long he’d wanted it. 


All those years ago, before they’d both gone away to college, they’d done stuff together.  Don allowed Charlie to touch him through his clothes, and let Charlie watch him get himself off.  Sometimes they jacked off together.  But no matter how much Don’s mouth watered with wanting to suck Charlie, or how much he ached to take him in his hand, he never did. 


Until now. 


Charlie was squirming with pleasure, and Don quickened his stroke.  He whispered to Charlie, though he knew his brother couldn’t hear him, perhaps could only feel Don’s breath on his ear.


“So beautiful, Charlie.  Always so beautiful.  Love you so damn much, want to make you feel good.  Want to make you fly.”


Charlie’s hips hitched forward, then stilled.  Don felt the ecstatic tension in Charlie’s lean body and the warmth of come spill over his fist.  He’d made Charlie come.  He had, directly.  Finally.  And it was so good.


Charlie melted back against him, and Don gently drew his hand out.  Ignoring the stickiness, he wrapped his arms around his brother and held him as closely as he could.  No one else made Don feel like this, like nothing else in the world mattered, like the two of them together would live forever.


Charlie turned his head just enough so that Don could see the peaceful smile on his face, and Don pressed his cheek to Charlie’s.  They stood together, watching the concert.


“Oh, you're my best friend”






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