Title:  Moving In

Author:  Joolz

Feedback:  [email protected]

Rating:  R

Category:  Slash, Romance, ER

Pairing:  Don/Charlie

Season/Spoilers:  Season 2, No spoilers

Summary:  When Don’s place burns down it’s a tragedy.  Or is it?

Notes:  The lovely Lady Ra asked for a happy Don/Charlie fic.  See!  I can do it!

Disclaimer:  Not my lovely characters, just playing with them.

Warnings:  m/m sexuality.  If you’re reading this you probably know that Don and Charlie are brothers, so incest.





The whole team stood on the sidewalk across the street from Don’s two-story apartment building, watching flames shoot toward the early evening sky.  They had been at the Bureau going over a case when he’d gotten the call, and everyone had insisted on coming with Don for moral support.


David asked, “So they’re sure this wasn’t targeted at you?”


Reddish light flickered across Don’s face, which was turned toward the structure.  “Yeah.  Apparently Mrs. Green’s electric kettle shorted out.  Her apartment is just under mine.  Was.”


“You’re taking this well,” David observed.  “It looks like everything you own is gone.”


“Just about,” Don agreed.  “The important thing is that no one was hurt.  If this had happened in the middle of the night it would have been worse.”


Megan added, “It’s a shame about the building.  It had character.”


Don smiled sadly, “It had a kind of 50’s kitsch thing going, didn’t it?  I liked it.”


“So boss,” Colby asked, “What are you going to do now?  Start apartment hunting right away?”


“Nah.  I guess I’ll stay at the house till I get things sorted out.  I still have some stuff there, too.” 


No one asked which house he meant.  It was pretty much self-evident.


Charlie said, “Of course you can stay with us as long as you want.  In fact, you know, you could just move in permanently if you wanted to.  There’s plenty of room and you’re over almost every day as it is.”


Megan brightened.  “That’s a great idea, Charlie.  It would be nice to be able to find both of you at the same place when we need you.”


Colby grinned, “And then there’s your father’s cooking.  I can see it now:  I’m there to meet with you about a case and your father says, ‘So, Agent Granger, you are staying for dinner, aren’t you?’   I answer, ‘Why thank you, Mr. Eppes, I’d love too.’” A happy, dreamy expression came over his face.


Don laughed, “Right, I should base my living arrangements on your convenience and stomachs?”


Charlie bumped shoulders with his brother.  “He does have a point.  Your refrigerator is always empty.”  He grimaced at the flames licking around the edges of the small window that had let the morning light into Don’s kitchen, then continued.  “Dad keeps ours stocked with all kinds of good stuff.”  Charlie peered at Don meaningfully.  “And no comments about how you’re too old to live at home, either.”


“You all make some good points,” Don conceded placidly.  “I’ll think about it.”


The captain of the fire unit that was working on putting out the blaze approached.


“Agent Eppes?  We have the fire pretty much contained now, but I’m afraid there won’t be much left.”


Don was philosophical.  “I figured.”


The fireman continued, “There’s no reason to stay around.  You should be able to look through the wreckage tomorrow afternoon, if you want to.  For what it’s worth.”


“Out of morbid curiosity, if nothing else,” Don said, then asked, “Do Mrs. Green and the others all have somewhere to go?”


“Yes, everyone already has at least one friend or family member here for them.”


“Good.  Thank you, Captain, for your hard work.”   Don stuck out his hand.


The other man shook it.  “You’re welcome.  Just wish it wasn’t necessary.”


As the man walked away, David clapped Don on the back.  “Anything we can do to help, you know we’re here.”


“I appreciate that.”  Don sighed, then said with forced enthusiasm, “Look on the bright side.  This will be the easiest move I’ve ever made.  No packing, no U-haul, not even a suitcase.”


Charlie looked at him sympathetically.  “We’ll take good care of you.”


“I know you will, buddy.  It’ll be fine.”





After a hot shower that washed away the smoke smell, Don got into a set of sweats that were in the dresser in his old bedroom.  In fact, Don had a little bit of everything there, so he wasn’t going to have to start over completely.


Also cleaned up, Charlie came in and Don asked, “Help me move this?”


It was a large wooden armoire standing in front of the door that connected the two boys’ rooms, which Don had placed there at 16, when he didn’t want his little brother wandering in unannounced.  Unblocked, the hinge squeaked a little, but the door swung open easily. 


Don locked the door leading to the hall while Charlie did the same in his room, then they met again on Charlie’s bed.  Don sat resting against the headboard and Charlie climbed between his legs to lean back against his chest.


As Don’s arms slipped around him, holding him close, Charlie said, “You’re pretty tricky, you know that?  If I didn’t know better I would suspect you of setting the fire yourself.  You had this all worked out in your mind.”


“Hey,” Don gave him a squeeze, “I may not be a genius, but I know how to take advantage of an opportunity.  No one will question it at all.  I can say, ‘It was only going to be for a little while, but I ended up staying.’”


“Yeah,” Charlie agreed, “and you can use the poor, helpless Charlie card if you want.”  He quoted,  ‘Dad’s getting older, and Charlie needs someone to take care of the house for him.’”


“That could be true, too.”


Charlie twisted a bit to look Don in the face, eyebrows raised.


“Not that you’re helpless,” Don clarified.  “I know that Dad does the grocery shopping and takes care of utilities instead of paying rent.  I could be in charge of maintenance and repairs.  It could really work out for all of us.”


Mollified, Charlie relaxed again and grinned.  “Does that include getting a new furnace?”


“First on the list.”


They sat together quietly for several minutes, enjoying the warmth and closeness.  Then Don said again, “This really could work.”  He slipped a hand under Charlie’s arm and down to cup his brother’s groin.


Mmmm,” Charlie purred.  “It really could.  There’s an old tradition of bachelor brothers sharing the family homestead.”


Don began to stroke slowly, not intending to arouse so much as savor the intimate contact.  Charlie’s hips made small, undulating movements in appreciation.


Don said, “Yeah, thirty, forty years from now people will be saying, ‘Those nice Eppes brothers.  Pity they never married, but at least they have each other to keep them company.’”


Charlie chuckled, “Little do they know.”


“Although, seriously,” Don said, “If you meet someone, I don’t want my being here to get in your way.  That door between our rooms can be closed again at any time.”


“Don,” Charlie scolded, “we’ve talked about this.  I made my decision.  I’m not going to change my mind.”


“I’m just saying.”


“I know, but I want this as much as you do.  I’ll either be with you or I’ll be alone.  Maybe it’s not something I would have consciously chosen, but it’s the way it is.  I’m totally in love with you.”


“And I love you.”  Don nuzzled through Charlie’s long hair to find his neck, which he proceeded to kiss lightly.


Smiling with pleasure and dropping his head to one side, Charlie commented, “We may have to tell Dad, though.”


Don grunted in agreement, then said, “Probably.  He’s a smart guy and he’s bound to figure it out sooner or later.”


“Yeah, but for now let’s just keep the doors locked and the adjoining door open.  Whether we’re in your bed or mine we’ll be able to hear if he knocks on either one.  We’re already good at not showing what’s between us in public.  The difference will be that now we’ll have every night together, not just once in a while.”


Don stopped stroking and began to massage the organ firming under his hand.  “Yeah, evenings on the sofa watching ballgames.  Nights with you on your knees, me pounding into you, the need to be quiet adding that extra little bit of tension.”


Charlie’s breath caught.  “Oh, yeah.  Or you on your back, legs over my shoulders, getting fucked through the mattress.  We’re going to have time now, for everything.”


Exactly.  They were going to have the time and proximity to be even closer.


Don said, “And when Dad’s out, we can make all the noise we want, no neighbors close enough to hear.  The freedom of being in our own house.”


Still thinking, despite the growing arousal, Charlie added, “And we can install a buzzer that sounds in here when someone comes in the front or back doors.  We’ll be safe.  Just you and me.”


“Our business, nobody else’s.”


As Charlie arched against his brother’s body, a shout sounded from downstairs.  “Boys!  Dinner’s ready.”


With a shared groan, they stopped moving.


“We may have to invest in some long, baggy shirts that cover the erections we get from just being around each other.”   Don murmured intently, “We’ll always have to be careful, Charlie, always.  But it’s worth it.  You’re worth it.”


Charlie turned and pressed his lips to Don’s. 


“Welcome home.”






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