JOKEs -stolen by
JOKES -stolen by
The Super Guido Song Comic Con - Parody - Twitter Gov Chris Christie Parody - Twitter
Temple Taulbed Parody
Mini Movie Reviews
The Truth About British People
Battle For Manhattan - Sci Fi War Story About Me - Coming Soon... TWITTER - @jon_mick_artist
Jon Mick - A Man and His Joke Book
NEW !!! ___________________________________________________________________ You Can-t Spell T-R-U-M-P without R-U-M-P and RUMP means ASS ___________________________________________________________________ If Donald Trump Loves -America so much Why does he only marry Foreign Woman Who may be KBG Control Agents ___________________________________________________________________ Did you hear Donald Trump has to sell TRUMP TOWER Because he was elected President After it-s sold next month... ___________________________________________________________________ What-s the deal? With Donald Trump having Yellow Orange Hair? Didn-t he have Dark Brown Hair in the 1980s + 90s? Is he a KBG Russian Mafia - ASSET? With his YELLOW ORANGE HAIR? I hear IT-S TRUE And all these Hollywood Stars with Reddish Brown Hair? What-s the deal? ___________________________________________________________________ Where is EVIL Jerry Seinfeld (Joke Stealer and IP Thief) when you need him? He is -really a Gay Man from West Hollywood and not a -New Yorker at all (According to Miranda Sings appearance on CCC) He would know why these -actors Evil Satanists + Spies have Reddish Brown Hair (and look Russian Jewish since the 1990s) and some -business people have Yellow Orange Hair NOTE The FBI has just announced recently a Russian Mafia Ring inside Trump Tower in the 1990s. TRUE STORY In the late 1980s, I went on a Lunch Meeting Field Trip from Barclays Bank (at 75 Wall Street Rothchild German Bank Not a -British Bank but -headquartered in London, England) and went to the Trump Tower just after it opened. My Division Head pointed out to me that the Trump Tower was the -only major skyscraper or office tower or condoto have a -waterfall inside the building at the time. I have been visiting the Trump Tower every week mostly on weekends or evenings during the week for over 30 years mostly to go the atrium mall food court to stop in for a coffee at one of the 2 bars or use the bathroom as they do not hassle tourists or visitors to the lobby. I have NEVER SEEN a Limo or SUV Suburban Limo waiting outside for any -celebrity or -rich tenant inside Trump Tower. I have ALMOST NEVER SEEN anyone - come or go from the GOLD DOOR ELEVATORS leading upstairs to the condo residences. 3 People in 30 years. NOTE The -Real Jerry Seinfeld is an Irish IT Executive from Chase Manhattan Bank who lives across the Hudson River in New Jersey in a 4 Story Walk Up 1 Bedroom Cold Water Flat- Townhouse with a Mountain Bike and a Computer who eats Captain Crunch with Crunch Berries (-Double Crunch) across from a -Central Park like park that even has -stone archways and is located on the left side of the island peninsula like -Riverside Drive who had a super hot beautiful cousin who looked like Andie McDowell and a -uncle like Uncle Leo (His best friend)| |
Copyright © 1979-2019 John J. McMonagle All Rights Reserved.
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