Me and My Portfolio

I grew up in Southern Utah and have always appreciated the great life I've had here. I am currently attending Dixie State University to get a bachelor's degree in IT and Software Development. I am an avid theatre fan and will take any opportunity I get to talk musicals with somebody. I like podcasts so please tell me your favorites and let's talk about it! I like to be a mega fan so here are a few things I absolutely love; Stranger Things, Rocket League, Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, Harry Potter, Arrested Development and much much more. I married the love of my life last November and love everyday with her.

Ever since I was a kid I have enjoyed flexing my creative muscles. It started out with the typical arts and crafts in preschool then grew into games like Roller Coaster Tycoon where I could just play and create. From there I picked up music and played saxophone and clarinet in band from sixth grade to senior year. I also liked participating in theatre, both designing lights and acting in a few shows. High School is where I realized my love for design.

I hope you enjoy my portfolio! Please let me know if you'd like to collaborate on a project with me! I'm always open to learning new things and increasing my skills ind design so don't be afraid to ask for something that may push my limits. Fill out the form on the Home page and let's work together!