The Strange and Unusually Interesting World of John "Short Canadian Red Boy" Chouinard, the Person Who Is Not Greg on This Website, and Who Has the Honor of Having the Page With the Longest Heading Here (Being This Heading That You Are Reading Here Right Now).

Here you will find the little corner of the web dedicated the man with the best nickname ever -- John "Short Canadian Red Boy" Chouinard. When I first made the page, I wasn't so sure of what John wanted me to put up here, so I just gave the section a silly and somewhat offensive title and posted an John's arbitrary and largely inaccurate nickname, "Short Canadaian Red Boy," multiple times for no apparant good reason. After pestering him like the annoying weasel I am, though, I finally got the following e-mail out of him:

I like having the longest heading on the website. So keep that up. In the body paragraph of the main page, what's already there is fine, so long as you at some point mention the total randomness of what's going to be put up there. Absolutely no cohesion whatsoever. Very little to do with real life. ...Money. And if you could retitle that first page as "Sonic X ... mainly" instead of the same thing without spaceitude. In the future, I'll space things appropriately on my own like a BIG BOY. I can URINATE without WETTING THE FRONT OF MY PANTS. GOOD FOR ME.

... :D

Yeah, as I've said before, I'd appreciate a title change from the Krazy Kanadian Korner ... but, quite honestly, I can't think of a different title, myself. I'll e-mail you as soon as that occurs to me. *Begins to think* GASP! ME THINKING!!! WHAT A FUGGIN' CONCEPT!!!11!111!1121!12

010101101101? That doesn't mean anything. *Turns around* GASP! 101101101010?1? AAAAAAAAAAAHH!!!

... You can even post this e-mail up, if you really wanted to. Seems random enough.

Anyway, I'll most likely do this once every Saturday or so, unless some other day would work better for you. But Saturday would be ideal.

I'm off. Peace out, Sir Foobacca.

Now you can clearly see that this offers a clear and extremely insight into a twisted Canadian mind. However, rather than using this message for the purposes of psychological analysis, I've decided rather to offer it up to you, the trusted and loyal readers, to interpret however you will.

But in all seriousness, I will mention if you did not already gather that the nature of these posts will be wholly random, but also assuredly rather interesting. They will also hopefully be posted up here every week on Saturdays or very early Sunday morning, depending how my own updating schedule turns out. With all that said, I bring you the real fun -- John's rantings of a madman!


[10/26/03] The Faithful Tweezer-Guy
[10/11/03] Kill Larry
[10/4/03] Ran-Dom
Videogames. Bah.
[9/20/03] I Am a Lazy Bastard
[9/13/03] The Mysteries of Time
[9/6/03] The Origins of "Short Canadian Red Boy"
[8/31/03] SonicX... Mainly

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