Son of a Silly Person, First Edition


As a few people out there know, I'm something of a Sonic the Hedgehog fan. I grew up with "The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog," I was vaguely aware of CBS's Sonic-based show of a similar name, and I have recently purchased Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles stuffed animals from Japan. They came with Japanese labels -- labels that I planned to show to Nick Poopli in hopes of his telling me what they might mean, but alas, this stroke of relative genius occurred to me only a short while after I had thrown them out. Could I have gone after them? Perhaps. But that was almost completely out of the question, since it came to happen that I didn�t feel like it. Unfortunately, this means that I'll never know if I have to machine wash warm or tumble dry when it comes to cleaning these three items -- which I'm sure everybody does. You have a stuffed animal, it becomes encrusted in filth, and you wash it. Happens all the time. Anyway.

In light of this Sonic fandom, it's convenient for me that the good folks living in Japan, Earth ... all of them ... have produced for some time a relatively new show entitled �Sonic X.� I was quite excited at ... at, uh... Bah. I�m tired of writing about this. New topic.



Never mind. I can�t think of anything else to write about.


I was quite excited after viewing the original version of this show in its un-dubbed yet un-subtitled glory. I of course didn�t understand a word anyone said, but it�s not like the plot was that hard to grasp. Sonic infiltrates Eggman�s laboratory. Tails is flying a plane that eventually catches on fire. Knuckles destroys a hill of rock. Eggman doesn�t think things through. Other things explode. Sonic is now in the �real� world as a result. And I think Big is in there somewhere.

It�s a very visually appealing show ... especially in comparison to Sonic�s romps through American television. Despite the fact that I grew up with those home-grown adaptations of the hedgehog from the far East ... or West ... whichever direction Japan is in relative to the U.S. ... they weren�t very well animated. Especially the non-CBS show. You know. The one that didn�t air on CBS. AoStH, as it is sometimes called. And the voice-over work seemed to compliment the characters very well (talking about Sonic X again), though I�m not very sure as to how valid that appreciation is, considering the fact that I don�t understand Japanese. I�ve never even been to Ron of Japan. But that doesn�t really have much to do with ... anything. It�s true.

Your attention please:

Please yell if you are paying attention.


Hee hee ... Blue Man Group. Good times.


Well, I know this is a roundabout way of saying it, but...




... Wait a minute...

Oh wait. Did I say sauerkraut? Well, seeing as though I�ve never had sauerkraut before -- or �liberty cabbage� for you patriotically-minded citizens out there -- and I have seen the English dub of the first episode of �Sonic X,� it would be more accurate of me to say that I hate the English dub of said show. Most of the characters sound very out of place ... especially Tails, although that is almost always the case anyway ... except for Eggman ... Eggman had a very appropriate English actor on his side ... and the script writing was sub-par. Downright embarrassing in some parts. Example:

Sonic is being chased by the S-Team...

�S-Team, eh? The �S� must stand for ... SLOW MOTION! HAA!�

*Cue soundtrack from Elite Force II*

Cut back to the keybard

*John dances to John Williams� �Cantina Band�*

What? Oh. Yes. Lost my mind ... just for a moment.

That�s about it, actually. Stay tuned for ... whatever, whenever! Almost assuredly at a different bat time, different bat channel! Er, um, website! Wait ... never mind ... same bat website. Since no other site would even consider accepting something like this. I leave you now with these wise words from some person:

�If you see a stranger ... follow him.�
-- Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky IV

Even though that�s not her real name ... I could go and find out what it is, but ... well, I�m sure it doesn�t interest you that much.

�I�m sorry, were -- were you just telling me what I love? HMM?? Now listen here, you toad faced frump! I LOVE PANCAKES!�
-- Stewie Griffin

�Lemon curry?�
-- Michael Palin

And finally...

�There once was a woman from Venus, whose body was shaped like a --�
�Ensign! Get us out of here!�
-- Lt. Cmdr. Data and Captain Picard, respectively

Spelling errors paid for by Kwality Co. and ... whatever company John works for [ed. -- Invisible Inc., dummy.]

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