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The Gay Straight Educators' Alliance




Below are resources for educators and parents who are looking for age-appropriate LGBT-themed literature for adolescents. Please note that some adolescent literature contains mature themes, and adults recommending books for adolesents should always review titles for content.

An Annotated Reading List for LGBT Teens and Their Allies

As faculty advisor to his school's Gay Straight Alliance, GSEA chair Michael Weinberg has obtained grants to purchase gay and lesbian themed books for the high school library and has consulted with other high school groups about obtaining grants of their own. This book list has grown out of those grant proposals.

LGBTQ YA Literature

Older young adult “problem” novels featuring LGBTQ characters generally portrayed their sexuality as the central difficulty to be faced and reconciled. However, many current titles show LGBTQ adolescents with their sexuality respected and facing the same issues alongside their LGBTQ and non-LGBTQ friends: life during and after high school, romantic relationships, changing friendships, and/or family hardships. Lisa Hazlett's bibligoraphy, which will be updated frequently, presents a variety of such novels.

LGBT Pedagogy & Parenting

This short bibliography lists books which may be of interest to LGBT educators, educators working with LGBT youth, and parents of LGBT students.


GLSEN BookLink

The Gay Lesbian and Straight Education Network's website contains a feature called "BookLink," which lists and describes books by grade level. Visitors to the site are able to order books directly from the list.







©2009, Gay Straight Educators' Alliance

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