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"We've never had a customer complain about that."


This article is sarcasm. Although this article seems describe almost exactly how some people refuse legitimate accommodation, it is actually designed to show what not to do - barriers should be removed, not fought for. It is also part of a larger article, How to Keep Your Barriers.

Phrase Description

Occasionally, you'll receive information about a barrier that comes from someone who is not yet your customer. You can easily dismiss them by reminding them that you serve your customers, not people who are not your customers! Don't worry about whether or not the barrier is the reason you don't have customers with a certain disability or whether the request is easy to implement. Instead, simply remind them that they aren't a customer.

Note: If they become a customer and still complain, remind them that they aren't one of your main customers or they aren't your target customer.

Usage Example

Customer: I'd love to visit your store and buy a new refrigerator from you, but I can't stand that strobe light at the door. It causes me to have seizures.
Business: I'm sorry, but our customers like it and you aren't a customer of ours.

Next Phase

"People like you shouldn't go out without the proper help."

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