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"People like you shouldn't go out without the proper help."


This article is sarcasm. Although this article seems describe almost exactly how some people refuse legitimate accommodation, it is actually designed to show what not to do - barriers should be removed, not fought for. It is also part of a larger article, How to Keep Your Barriers.

Phrase Description

This phrase can be used to completely dismiss the need for a person to have barriers removed. The beauty of this phrase is that it applies not only to the current request, but also any future request! It also can serve as a firm reprimand that the person was completely out of line for daring to make the request - he should have known that he was supposed to get help (but not help from you!). Finally, with this statement, you can avoid actually figuring out how to remove the barrier by focusing on the person requesting the change rather then the barrier!

Note: This works great with disabled people who have experienced institutions, as it reinforces much of what they learned after years of being told that it is the proper order of the world that they can't access organizations without "help". But, this can work on others as well, if carefully applied.

Usage Example

Customer: That plant hanging in the entry way is hard for people with low vision to see. I keep bumping my head on it. Can you move it somewhere?
Business: I can't serve people like you. I can't provide the support you need. You need to bring someone with you to guide you if you can't see that plant.

Next Phrase

"That can't work."

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