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Thank you for visiting my site!

Welcome to my site about autism and advocacy - or, as I like to say, about the way of life that is a bit different but just as valuable as anyone else's. I am an autistic adult who wants to see my people succeed and prosper in this world. Unfortunately, there are a lot of difficulties we experience, only some of which have anything to do with our actual autism. Many of them deal with the way society sees and treats us.

Through this site, you can explore the real difficulties we experience. You can also celebrate with me the beauty of autistic existence. There are even resources for other autistics - resources that can hopefully help us to overcome the difficulties we face.

Please note that I enjoy being autistic. I am happy to be who I am, and that I consider autism to be a key part of my existence. You will not find self-pity here, nor will you find information on how to cure my kind of person. I hope you stick around long enough to learn why I feel this way! You also will not find the biography of a super-autistic who overcame his autism, as I don't see myself as someone who overcame tremendous difficulties - in fact I see myself as someone that has been tremendously blessed and lucky to have a fairly comfortable existence in a world where so many people face suffering and misery. I am not an inspiration, nor do I desire to be one!

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