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ROLE DESCRIPTION: Gabrielle plays Michelle Webster, a fun-loving and troubled teen who becomes immortal and gets her first schooling about The Game from Duncan Macleod.

OVERALL IMPRESSIONS: This was the first performance of Gabrielle's that really caught my eye. She gives the episode exactly what it calls for - a snotty, narrow-minded teen who at first drives you insane (at any point during the first half of the episode I would not have been overly upset to see her lose her head), and then somehow makes you actually care about her - especially when Duncan and Axel fight (you know if Duncan loses, Michelle is up Excrement Creek without a paddle).

KUDOS TO GABRIELLE: Gabrielle really nails the part where Michelle gets her comeuppance, but she's really something from start to finish in this one, - so much so that the next time I saw her on TV, which was well over a year after seeing this episode, I still remembered that she was "Michelle from that one 'Highlander' episode." Performances this memorable from guest stars are pretty rare.

Particularly impressive, outside of her behavior while witnessing her first beheading and Quickening, are (in no particular order):

1.) Her reaction to hearing her stepfather's words in Duncan's flat.
2.) Her awkward attempt to get Duncan into bed and her reaction upon being shot down.
3.) Her reaction to waking up in a strange place.
4.) Her reaction upon realizing that she was actually in the morgue.
5.) Her reaction to finding out that she's an Immortal.
6.) Her first meeting with Axel.
7.) Her job of acting starstruck on the boat.

MEMORABLE LINES (in case you haven't seen this episode, here's a sample of what Duncan has to deal with before Michelle finally figures out that The Game is no joke):

1.) "I mean, I could basically do whatever I wanted to. Speed, smack, the whole candy store."
2.) "This is too bizarre! Duncan, people running around with swords, cutting heads off, living forever - man, this is some bad acid trip fairy tale."
3.) "Oh, yeah, I'll bet we'll really hit it off. Me and some dried-up old teacher from St. Mary's school of sword fighting and manners."
4.) "You know, Duncan, you really have a gift for taking the fun out of eternal life."

APPEARING HERE AND ELSEWHERE WITH GABRIELLE: Adrian Paul, who plays Duncan MacLeod, had a roll in the hay (literally) as MacLeod with Gabrielle's character Bess in "Epitaph for Tommy."
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