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MAY 12, 1995
ROLE DESCRIPTION: Gabrielle plays Paula Gray, a line worker at chicken processing plant who loses her mind, attacks her supervisor with a knife and suffers one of the most disgusting on-screen deaths I can remember (a bullet blows her into a vat of ground-up chicken parts).

OVERALL IMPRESSIONS: I was never more than a casual fan of the show, but this episode is bizarre even by X-Files standards - focusing on cannibalism as a method of preserving one's youth, and a twisted town that engages in it.

KUDOS TO GABRIELLE: Gabrielle is impressive in her role, though, as Paula suffers symptoms from a terminal disease and then when she holds the knife to her boss's throat. You wouldn't think someone who looks like Gabrielle could really come across as all that threatening (unless you saw her second scene in the episode of "First Wave" in which she appears), but she really does a good job of it in her final scene just before Paula takes the bullet. As for the episode itself, it was far too predictable to be enjoyable. Anyone with a brain should have been able to figure out who the bad guy was long before he was unmasked.

NOTE: Gabrielle does appear in another X-Files episode in the show's following season, but her character (Brenda Summerfield) doesn't fare much better than Paula Gray does.

NITPICK: On Paula's death certificate, her Social Security Number is not completely visible, but is clearly listed in the same form as a Canadian Social Insurance Number (720-400). Social Security numbers are three digits, two and then four (123-45-6789). Much of the X-Files was shot in Canada, and some of the local influence clearly made its way through here.

APPEARING HERE AND ELSEWHERE WITH GABRIELLE: Carrie Cain-Sparks, who plays a maid, played Gemma in "Jane's House." Hrothgar Mathews, who plays a mental patient, played an English literature instructor in "Mother, May I Sleep with Danger?" Robert Moloney, who plays a worker, played Simon in "Voyage of Terror."
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