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ROLE DESCRIPTION: Gabrielle plays Jenny, the bride-to-be of a good friend of Jake's. Jake is the best man at their wedding.

OVERALL IMPRESSIONS: Detailed remarks about the show as a whole would be out of place here, as this is the only episode I've seen. The episode itself does indicate that the show was capable of producing fairly decent humor, but in this one Jake has to beg for two days off and as such I'll guess that the episode is not representative of the show as a whole. Gabrielle makes the most of limited screen time by poking fun at her husband-to-be with a crack about being attracted to geeks and by doing a good job on the altar looking shocked at Jake's bizarre behavior, but gets very little screen time outside of these scenes. It's really too bad they didn't make more of her appearance than they did here, especially since there was certainly room to do so. As for the episode itself, once it becomes clear that Jake's behavior was the result of a hallucination, everything from that point on is extremely predictable and completely devoid of suspense.

NOTE: Part of Gabrielle's role in "Breaking the Surface: The Greg Louganis Story" is also that of a bride.

BLOOPER: When Jake breaks into a hotel room, his address on the wall is given as follows: 1974 Benton Street, Apartment.19, Washington, D.C. However, a file on Jake shows his address as 1705 Benton Street. Neither address exists in real life of course, although Washington does actually have a Benton Street in the 20007 zip code.

APPEARING HERE AND ELSEWHERE WITH GABRIELLE: Conan Graham, who plays teen captain #1 in this episode, also played the guy in the safe department room in "Inspectors 2: A Shred of Evidence." Deborah Wakeham, who plays Martha in this episode, also played Cailie in "Starlight." Martin Cummins, who plays the mystery man in this episode, also played a regular character named Nick Boyle in "Poltergeist: The Legacy" (Gabrielle appeared in the episode "The Covenant").
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