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EPISODE 56: JAIL HOUSE - �Karen decides to put the �fun� into fundraiser by locking Davis in a jail cell for charity while Wanda tries her best to install Oscar and Emma�s new toilet.�

OVERALL IMPRESSIONS: As has always been the case with Corner Gas, subpar episodes are followed by strong rebounds. The trend continues with �Jail House,� which features Davis being locked in jail until a fundraising goal is met. Side plots include Lacey trying to make Corner Gas look better and Wanda installing a toilet for Oscar and Emma. The toilet plot is actually fairly weak, but was efficiently rescued in a scene during which Wanda borrows tools from Brent.

MEMORABLE MOMENT: When Brent asks Lacey what the difference between modern and contemporary art is, and Lacey simply scoffs instead of actually answering. I�m not much of an art aficionado myself, so I asked my better half what the difference was. She scoffed at me the same way Lacey scoffed at Brent. I still don�t know if that scoff was her idea of a joke, but my interest in the actual answer had already expired so I didn�t ask again.

MEMORABLE LINE: �Mind if I light some incense?� from Lacey. When my better half and I moved in together, we both had to give up some things we were used to; she had to give up her habit of lighting incense three times more often than I can tolerate it. The list of things I had to give up was longer than hers, of course (examples include but are not limited to my beloved bathroom magazine rack, any input on the d�cor of the place, and 80% of my closet space), but I digress.

KUDOS TO GABRIELLE: Lacey was perfect as the annoying-yet-still-likeable character who incessantly badgered Brent into making Corner Gas look classier, and was particularly funny when she came to take her flowers back after Davis convinced her that her quest was misguided.

FUNNIEST LINE IN THIS EPISODE: Davis berating Karen about drinking cola and adding �...and if you�re like me, it�ll go right to your thighs.�


1.)    The opening scene, when Lacey asks Hank for his opinion and doesn�t much care for the response she gets.

2.)    The scene which shows Davis and the �hard time� he�s facing upon learning that he doesn�t have his first choice of tea in his cell.

3.)    When Hank predicts a �world of pain� for Davis in jail, and Davis offers Hank a scone from behind bars.

4.)    Hank running a coffee cup across prison bars while Davis is reading a Hardy Boys book on the other side.

5.)    Hank asking Davis what the greatest amount of eggs he (Davis) has ever eaten, and Davis answering �two.� For some reason, this really cracked me up.

6.)    Brent�s customer reacting to Lacey�s flowers.

7.)    Davis trying to get Hank to go away, and Hank being too oblivious to realize that he�s being annoying.

8.)    Lacey trying to replace the 1977 junior all-star poster with art.

9.)    Hank and Wanda asking Brent if they can borrow tools.

10.)  Hank trying to bust Davis out of jail with a nail file.

11.)  Karen playing hopscotch while Davis is in jail.

12.)  Oscar referring to Boxcar Willie as �classical music� and then shelling out ten bucks when he hears Davis is stuck in jail with Hank.

13.)  The look of Emma�s bathroom when Wanda was �just the finishing touches� on it.

14.)  Oscar misinterpreting Wanda�s remark about the kitchen sink.

15.)  When the townspeople swamp Karen with donations to get Davis out of jail - particularly when the mother gives up the money her kids had to smash their piggy banks to produce.

16.)  When Davis talks Lacey out of some donation money and sends Lacey back to Corner Gas to reclaim her flowers.

NOTE: This episode features Mike Holmes as Wanda�s handyman of a former boyfriend. He's the star of Canadian home improvement series �Holmes on Homes.� The show can be seen in the United States on the Discovery Home network.
Hosted by www.Geocities.ws