Forms & Requirements

League Guidelines

Players shall not be 19 years of age prior to July 1st of the current year to be eligible to participate.
Teams shall be made up of players from your school or homeschool region.
Each player is required to have a minimum of 6 practices prior to their first contest.

WNYCAA League Guidelines

Team Requirements

Player must currently be homeschooled (must take at least one course at home and not have participated in a graduation ceremony), between the ages of 12 (During the season) and 19 (by August 1st)

Registration Form
A completed registration form is required at the beginning of each season.
Registration Form

Birth Certificate
A copy of the player's birth certificate is required if they have not played on the team before. Birth certificates of players who have been on the team before are held over from previous seasons.

Proof of being homeschooled
Proof that the player is being homeschooled during the current season is required. Examples of proof:
1) A copy of the Letter of Intent to homeschool the player
2) A copy of the letter from the school district acknowledging your request to homeschool
3) A signed statement from you (the parent) that you are homeschooling the child.
If you are of legal age and are not required to report; are not 19 by July 1st of the current year; and have not gone through any form of graduation ceremony, etc., some sort of signed statement as to what studies you are doing at home to further your highschool education can be submitted.

$80.00 per player
Multiple player family fee not to exceed: $160.00
*Double rostered players need only pay one fee.*
Our team manager Kathi Rog has ideas for fundraisers for anyone who is interested to offset the cost of the league fee. If someone would like to organize a fundraiser, please contact Kathi. We want everyone to be able to play, so don't hesitate to contact her with any hardships.

Game Guidelines

Games will be played according to the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFSA) rules. These are the same as New York State public High School rules.
Shin guards are mandatory.
Cleats or other acceptable soccer shoes are recommended. No metal cleats.
No jewelry.
Don't argue with the referee.
Be respectful and don't make negative comments to players on either team.

For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.
| I Corinthians 6:20 |

Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last;
but we do it to get a crown that will last forever.

| 1 Corinthians 9:24-25 |

4 Home
4 About The Team
4 Requirements
4 Roster
4 Player Stats
4 Calendar
4 Schedule & Results
4 League
4 Directions
4 Team Page
4 Pictures
4 Past Seasons
4 Articles
4 Links

Coach David Forrest
Varsity, JV, All-Boys
[email protected]

Coach Michael Moore
[email protected]

Team Manager Kathi Rog
[email protected]

Asst. Manager Shayla Rog
[email protected]

Website Comments
[email protected]


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