Morgan's Angels Quotes



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At least I'm talking to a bird.

    Morgan: The GM
    Sara L: Zandy, Virtual Adepts
    Kat: Eva, Celestial Chorus
    Sarah: Jasmine, Verbena
    Amy: Dr. Raven Altieri, Order of Hermes


    On good way to start a session:
    Sarah: Okay, righto. I am going crazy.

    On "warbriding":
    Morgan: Just going "yoink" (throwing imaginary person over his shoulder) and leave.
    Sarah: Oh, you mean what happens to me all the time?

    On different strokes:
    Morgan: Oh, no, it's just cute when they fight.

    On the way we start our session, with Jasmine in a different realm all by herself (and cross-campaign humor):
    Sarah: I will become the new Lei Feng.

    On the cute guy that Zandy is dancing with as the game begins:
    Amy: He has a mesh shirt?
    Sarah: He's gay.

    On OOC puns:
    Kat: You're keen.
    Morgan: Sometimes they call me Occam's Razor.

    On dancing with cute guys or going off and exploring strange new realms?:
    Sarah: No, there is no having a good time.

    On Eva's interpersonal skills (as she warns Zandy that she and Raven are going into the VIP Room after Jasmine):
    Eva: Then I just squeeze out and push [Zandy and Keith] back together.

    On inside the VIP Room, or Jasmine's curiosity:
    GM: You cannot see the end of the hallway.
    Jasmine: Ooh, end of the hallway. Must find the end of the hallway.

    On entering the VIP room after clouding the guard's mind:
    Raven: I'm not sneaking. I'm walking in like I deserve to be there.
    GM: Okay, the drunken pompous girl goes in first.

    On going through a door in the VIP room to a Realm like a Japanese garden and finding that we cannot get back out:
    Kat: We go looking for inconsistenty-looking places.

    On leaving the paths:
    Jasmine: One of us has to deviate. It might as well be me.

    On Raven's reaction to Eva (seemingly) calling out and then answering herself:
    Morgan: Apparently, the only way to deal with this is drugs.

    On Jasmine's role in the group:
    Sarah: Someone has to poke the bear.

    On finding a six foot tall crow laughing at Eva and Jasmine:
    Sarah: Does it sound like a normal bird?
    Kat and Amy: It's laughing.

    On reactions to the odd bird:
    Morgan: (as Kat) The bird just needs some blowing up.

    On merging two conversations:
    Kat: I've got two dots in it.
    Amy: In drugs?

    On the way that Eva might use Correspondence to find Raven:
    Sara: Eva… this is God. She's over there. Dummy.

    On repeated facts:
    Jasmine: I am a deviant individual.

    On talking to the six-foot crow, which has arms as well as wings and is wearing a blue and silver kimono and swords as opposed to talking to yourself, as Eva seemed to:
    Sarah: At least I'm talking to a bird.

    On finding out OOC that Raven is heading the direction of the man who created the garden, and doesn't particularly like visitors:
    Amy: Yes! (sings) I'm gonna go bug the master.

    On the aforementioned crow:
    Sarah: Can I pet the bird?

    The crow has a weird sense of humor, and popped out of the lake as Eva was looking in, scaring her into falling on her ass. On discovering the way out of the garden is to meditate, relax and see the true path out, or some such:
    Eva: I sit down on the bench and try to relax and get my ass not to feel bruised, then I can be at peace.

    On buying a node with advancement points:
    GM: (to Kat) No, you have to go use [Sarah's] node.

    On after a hard day's exploring Realms:
    Amy: (Raven's) a cold shower kind of girl.

    After I said I wished I could have harassed the master a little:
    Sara: (as Raven, English accent) Hellooo! Would you like to buy a novel?

    On OOC discussions of why ninjas should not wear black at night: Nothing else is really black, it's all just pools of blue and gray, so a big black shadow would be like:
    Sara: Hey! Is that a ninja?

    On the joys of not dying:
    GM: No one dies in their sleep.
    Girls: Yay!!

    NOTE: Not a quote, per se, but I thought it worth mentioning that Morgan decided Eva's nemesis is a pink hippo in a tutu named Big Pepe.

    On talents we could use to find out how one gets invited to court:
    Kat/Eva: I've got three in streetwise. Yo.

    On it's funnier if I don't explain:
    Morgan: I've shaken entire rooms before.

    On bad puns as we set up to meet someone who can get us access to court:
    GM: (to Zandy) So you put out the word that you want to meet with this Partridge guy.
    Amy: In a pear tree.

    On what Raven could do to deal with her nervous energy now that she's seen the light and given up the heroin:
    Morgan: You're sexually frustrated. You chew ice.

    On relative hotness:
    Kat: (to Sarah) You're only one dot hotter than me.

    On Sarah's characters' luck, across the board:
    Sarah: I attract skeezy guys.

    On the favors Partridge (Keith) will want for getting us tickets to Court:
    Raven: (to Zandy) Perhaps he only wants favors from you.

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