Unit 6: The Judicial Branch

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Diagram 3: Federal Courts

Diagram 4: Maryland Courts

Section 1

Indicator and Supporting Content

Students will describe the organization, jurisdiction, and powers of the federal and state judiciary in order to analyze how the court system functions.

·        determine the purposes of law

·        determine the principles of the American legal system

·        analyze the organization and jurisdiction of the federal courts

·        compare and contrast the organization and jurisdiction of Maryland courts and federal courts

·        compare and contrast criminal and civil proceedings

·        analyze the selection process and role of the jury in the legal system

·        evaluate roles and policies the United States government has assumed for crime prevention and punishment


Key Vocabulary

adversary system                injunction                        plaintiff

affidavit                            judiciary                         plea bargaining

appeal                                jurisdiction                     preponderance of evidence

arraignment                          - original                       presumption of evidence

breach of contract                - appellate                     probable cause

contract                               - concurrent                   prosecution

damages                               law                                 reasonable doubt

defendant                             -administrative               small claims court

due process                           -civil                             subpoena

-substantive                          -Common                        summons

-procedural                           - constitutional               tort

equity                                   - criminal                       unanimous

felony                                   - ordinance                    verdict

grand jury                            misdemeanor                   voir dire

habeas corpus                       negligence                       warrant

hung jury                             out of court settlements

indictment                           petit jury

Section 2

Indicator and Supporting Content

Students will analyze historical and contemporary landmark Supreme Court cases in order to evaluate the role of judicial review in establishing fundamental principles of our system of government.

·        define judicial review

·        analyze the Supreme Court’s use of judicial review by examining landmark court cases

Key Vocabulary

judicial review                           opinion                         precedent


Section 3

Indicator and Supporting Content

Students will examine Supreme Court cases illustrating conflicting interpretations of the Bill of Rights and the Fourteenth Amendment in order to evaluate the degree to which those decisions protected rights, maintained order, and achieved the ideal of “Equal Justice Under Law”

·        analyze Supreme Court cases which defined due process, civil liberties, and civil rights

·        evaluate the success of the Fourteenth Amendment in achieving  “Equal Justice Under Law”


Key Vocabulary

civil liberties                     exclusionary rule                    substantive due process

civil rights                         “good faith”                            warrant

due process                        procedural due process

“equal protection”              “rational basis”


Section 4

Indicator and Supporting Content

Students will analyze landmark Supreme Court decisions in order to assess their impact on governmental powers.

  • describe applications of federalism and separation of powers
  • examine Supreme Court cases to identify the impact of federalism and separation of powers on the functioning of government


Key Vocabulary

checks and balances                 federalism                      separation of powers

Helpful Sites

Supreme Court of the United States

Department of Justice

Line-Item Veto Article

Plessy v. Ferguson

Plessy v. Ferguson opinion

Marbury v. Madison

Miranda v. Arizona

Brown v. Board of Education

Gideon v. Wainwright

Korematsu v. United States

McCullough v. Maryland, 1819

New Jersey v. TLO

Engle v. Vitale, 1962

Tinker v. Des Moines, 1969

The Washington Post: Current Supreme Court Decisions

Court TV

The ACLU and the Supreme Court

USA Today Supreme Court Index

FED World Supreme Court Case Studies

National Constitution Center: "Have You Ever Thought of Becoming a Judge?"

National Constitution Center: Brown v. Board of Education

Famous Trial Summaries

Anatomy of a Murder

Maryland General Assembly Home Page


What is Judicial Review?

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