Unit 3: Types of Government and Economic Systems

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Diagram 2: Types of Government  (Use your back key to return to this page)

Section 1

Indicator and Supporting Content:

Students will analyze political systems in order to evaluate their effectiveness.  

identify and define systems of governments and describe differences between each system 
identify and analyze various types of government
identify and analyze characteristics of authoritarian government
identify and compare various forms of democracy
compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of each system of government

Key Vocabulary

authoritarian              direct democracy                   republic

autocracy                   federalism                             sovereign

confederate                 monarchy                              unitary

democracy                   oligarchy 

dictatorship                representative democracy   

Section 2

Indicator and Supporting Content:

Students will analyze how governments answer the basic economic questions of what to produce, how to produce, and for whom to produce.

identify and define the concepts of scarcity, benefits, and opportunity costs
examine the basic economic questions and analyze how various types of governments answer each question

Key Vocabulary

command system                                      market system

economics                                               opportunity costs

economic benefits                                    scarcity

economic costs                                        traditional system

Helpful Sites


Types and Systems of Government

History for Kids: Learn About Government

British Monarchy

Australians for Constitutional Monarchy

U.S. / China Legislative Update and Resources 

China-US Relations

CNN.com - US-China relations since 1950


Embassy of Cambodia

U.S. Library of Congress Country Study - Cambodia

Zimbabwe African National Union Patriotic Front


Story of Parliament 

The Center for Voting and Democracy

Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor

The League of Women's Voters' Democracy Net



What are the differences between a democratic government & an authoritarian government?

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