Unit 4: The Executive Branch

Unit 1:
Unit 2:
Unit 3:
Unit 4:
Unit 5:
Unit 6:
Unit 7:
Unit 8:










































Section 1

Indicator and Supporting Content

Students will identify and analyze the steps in the process of electing a president in order to evaluate the strategies that drive a presidential campaign.

  • identify the constitutional and implied qualifications for the presidency and vice presidency

  • describe the characteristics expected of presidential candidates

  • describe presidential nominating processes

  • evaluate the electoral process and its impact on campaign strategies

  • evaluate the role of the media in campaigns and election

Key Vocabulary

bandwagon                          implied qualifications                 platform

boss                                   labeling                                     plurality

card stacking                      liberal                                      propaganda

caucus                                media                                        Protestant

closed primary                    moderate                                   run-off

conservative                       nominating convention                 primary

constitutional                     open primary                             testimonial qualifications

direct primary                   petition                                     ticket

Electoral College                plain folks                                 transfer

glittering generalities         planks                                       values


  Section 2

Indicator and Supporting Content

Students will investigate presidential decision-making processes in order to draw conclusions about the changing role of the presidency.

  • describe presidential powers and roles

  • describe the roles of the cabinet in the executive branch of government

  • analyze a presidential decision through the application of a decision-making model

Key Vocabulary

ambassador                              diplomat                                       mandate

amnesty                                   executive agreement                      negotiate

annex                                       executive order                           pardon

blockade                                  financial embargo                         patronage

cabinet                                    forum                                          reprieve

cabinet department                  impoundment                                 treaty

cease fire                           inference                                      United Nations


Sections 3 & 4

  Indicator and Supporting Content

Students will analyze presidential decisions in order to evaluate their impact on the rights of individuals and groups.

  • analyze presidential actions related to civil rights

  • analyze presidential use of power to maintain order and safety

Key Vocabulary

civil rights

internment camp


Indicator and Supporting Content

Students will examine the executive branch of state and local governments in order to compare and contrast the roles of the executive at each level.

  • identify and compare the roles of the governor with those of the president

  • describe the organization of the state executive branch

  • describe how executive functions are carried out at the local levels of government

Key Vocabulary

administer                               county executive                            militia

appropriations                         enforce                                         ordinances

Attorney General                     executive                                      State Treasurer

cabinet                                    Governor                                      zoning

Comptroller                             Lieutenant Governor

Helpful Sites

Campaign Commercial Assignment Links:

Sunspot Gubernatorial Campaign Ads

Kathleen Kennedy-Townsend Website

Robert Ehrlich Website

The White House 

White House Kids

Official US Executive Branch Web Sites

Center for the Study of the Presidency

POTUS (President of the United States)

How To Find Presidential Proclamations And Executive Orders  

C-SPAN: Daily White House Briefings

The Electoral College: NARA

National Geographic: Inside the White House

American President's Life Portraits

KidsClick: President

Governor of Maryland - Parris N. Glendening

Maryland Executive Branch

Maryland Electronic Capital - Executive Branch


Baltimore County Executive Branch

Levels of Government

Evacuation and Internment of San Francisco Japanese

Children of the Camps (Japanese Internment)



What is the Electoral College and how does it work?

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