Stephen Fisher
IISA Certified Level 2 Inline Skate Instructor

[email protected]
IISA Complete Learn-to-Inline Programme
1��� Concepts, Equipment, Safety, Primary Skills (learn all the primary positions and movements which,,when combined, permit  you to do virtually all functional skating techniques, including far more advanced ones)
2    Basic Skate
3��� Heel-brake Stopping
4    A-Frame Turns

Advanced beginner includes

5��� Stride II - skate faster and stronger
6��� Swizzle - propulsion with both feet simultaneously
7    Spin Stop - stop without using the brake. Very practical and looks real cool
8    Parallel Turns - stable high speed turns

We add an extra lesson or two for review or for a field trip through the streets, if students wish.
If the students catch on quickly and have the endurance, we move right on to the next skill set in the same class.� It can take from three to eight; classes to cover all the material, depending on class size and student aptitudes. For those who wish to continue, there is an intermediate and advanced/ intermediate programme.  Classes last about an hour and fifteen minutes including gearing up. The first class is usually longer..  Students taking private or semi-private lessons can follow a different progression or chose their own subject material.
Private classes are $60, $30 each for 2 people, $20 each for 3 or more.. Students who take private or smaller classes progress much more quickly, require fewer sessions to learn all the skills, and are having fun, skating safely on the trails much sooner.  Ask about weekday discount for private lessons.
Besides skates, students require helmet, knee and elbow pads, and wrist guards,. No exceptions.
Rentals Available.
I will be pleased to advise you regarding equipment.� I provide helpful practise ideas after each class and forward by email helpful diagrams of the various techniques to each individual, tailored to his or her needs. And I add tidbits on maintenance, clothing, training, stretching, etc. as we go.
I'm also a certified CAN-BIKE instructor. I'm insured, and I have an Emergency First Aid Certificate.
How it works
The eight sets of skills
Buying New Skates for Beginners
Learn-to-Skate Programme
Intermediate/Advanced Programme
Contact Info:  
Name:  Stephen A. Fisher
[email protected]
Street Skills Clinic
Tel:      416-531-7600
Photos from my racing career
Links to Skating Resources
Road & Trail Safety tips
Skates I own and use
How Many Lessons do I Need

Ideas from certified instructor Liz Miller
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