
Queue the obligatory part where I pimp other sites. You really should be looking at these instead of this one because they are much better. It turns out I'm terrible at creating websites. You can shut your face.



sounds better drunk



Just Add Water Really nice site that looks really professional. Not like this piece that fell from my ass... You can even post little internet messages to the band members. Sounds like fun!
Sense of Fabrication It looks like the site was also created in a basement. I particularly like the show link... nice head...
One Sound Reason Jason and Matt post their songs here if you care to have a listen. New songs are rotated frequently...
Eat a Dolphin A side project of mine that I've been keeping alive since '01. Keep the money coming people.
Lockwood Lockwood is a Madison band that features Matt Harris, original member of SBD. At least Harris is good at Bass...
Fed by Fiction Simply intriguing to watch and brutally confusing, Fed by Fiction feature Paul Johanson as the single most entertaining drummer I have ever seen in my life.
Farwell To Twilight Throw a bunch of random music words together because Bryan Mach is too much of a faggot to decide what FTT sounds like. Grow up and be quick about it asshole.

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