
A veritable encyclopedia of information, this section will answer any question you may have about the 5 W's of Firefest 2004. If your ass still has questions, you haven't read anything. Still more questions? Read the contact list below. 



sounds better drunk



Four bands of extraordinary magnitude.

-Sounds Better Drunk
-Just Add Water
-Sense of Fabrication
-One Sound Reason

This is all covered in the band section above.


A concert, a concert the likes of which have never been witnessed by human eyes. And if it has been seen, witness are most likely dead or hiding. Rocking to this extent generally ends in human explosion. Imagine, three utterly unknown bands playing a reunion concert for a gag band that broke up in high school. I'm just saying this because I have no actual talent. Sorry.



The Firehouse
1329 Dayton St. 
Madison, WI 53715
It is on the corner of Dayton Street and Randall Avenue and the damn thing looks like a firehouse. A map is provided below but most will know by the fame of our 40 night.
map 2

If you find 18 you won't have much of an issue following either map. If you are coming from a different direction you can easily find the firehouse by using a few rules.
1. University, Johnson, Dayton and Regent are all parallel to one another.
2. Park, Mills, Charter, Orchard and Randall are all parallel to one another.
3. Look for the big ass stadium called Camp Randall, it is across the street from us.
4. Union South is also across the street from us.
5. If you've been shot, you aren't in the right area.


February 21st, 2004... This is a Saturday.
Doors open at 6 and the music starts at 7
Do not come early unless you talk with Bill or Harvey. (I don't imagine this will be a problem)
If successful, the music will be over by 11:30 p.m. (In case you have to tell mommy anything)

Band times are as follows:
One Sound Reason - 7 p.m.
Sense of Fabrication - 8 p.m.
Just Add Water - 9 p.m.
SBD - 10 p.m.


Sounds Better Drunk wanted to do a reunion concert. Other bands wanted to play this same concert. Very simple.


How much rather... $5 at the door. No advance ticket sales. Fuck, there aren't even any tickets.


A couple of simple rules to follow while inside the firehouse. These are for your safety and the safety of those around you. Breach of this policy will result in your neck being slit and your corpse being thrown into the street. It is a private residence so show the hosts so fucking respect.
  1. Arson will not be tolerate...
  2. No smoking anything. It is gross and I'll put both out with my urine if I need to, so go outside...
  3. Price is not open for discussion...
  4. Do not go upstairs...
  5. If something isn't yours, leave it alone. This includes drawers and the like
  6. Sexual harassment will result in me being the knight in shining armor and then I'll take the girl...
  7. No fighting for any reason...
  8. Do not die inside. Unless murdered, keep breathing...
  9. Girls are encouraged to flash me or the band members, boys are not...
  10. The only bathroom is downstairs and everyone has to use it. Do not fuck, shit, puke, sleep, hide, masturbate or do anything that isn't urinating in that room...


Post: 1329 Dayton St. Madison, WI 53715
Phone: 608-663-9251
E-Mail: [email protected]

Questions or comments should be directed to Harvey or Bill.

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