This page is dedicated to the Veterans of All Wars, but most especially to the POW/MIA's of the Viet Nam War, of which I was a participant.
Vietnam Veterans of America
"Americans, indeed all free men remember: That in the final choice, a soldier's pack is not so heavy a burden as a prisoner's chains." (Dwight D. Eisenhower)
Links to other pages of interest to all Veterans
Veterans Organizations and Support Groups
This is a page full of links to various groups, both official and unofficial. It's a good start point for anyone interested in Vet's organizations.
United States Navy Patrol Squadrons
A place near and dear to me, for this is where I served during 1967-1971. In these pages you will find detailed information about Navy VP squadrons, and  also about the other 'forgotten' squadrons such as VO-67, VQ-1, etc.
Peal Harbor Remebered
The name says it all. A place to find information about the vicious sneak attack by the Japanese Navy on December 7, 1941.
Viet Nam Veterans in Congress
A list, without hotlinks, naming the various members of Congress who were Veterans of Viet Nam. This list may be out of date, however, it's the only one I could find.
Library of Congress, Federal Reseach Division
POW/MIA Database

A place where you can search for missing loved ones, friends or acquaintences who have been listed as POW/MIA.
Walking Point
A place to find recollections of those who have been there. It's worth a visit.
"Biker at the Wall"

A thought provoking picture a friend sent me. He said it reminded him of me. I still don't understand why; my hair was never that short during my biker days.

(As I've said, a friend sent this to me via email. If there is a problem with my showing it, or a copywrite problem, or you would just like to have the artist's name included, please feel free to get ahold of me and let me know.)
Links to the White House, where you can send email to the 'Commander-in-Sleaze', and to Congress, where you can harangue your Senators and (mis)Representatives about whatever irritates you.
The White House
A place to send your letters to the President of the United States. This is probably a waste of your precious time, because I would imagine that most email is read by some intern like Monica Lewinski, but it is good for the soul to blast away at the 'front office'.
The Congress of the United States, by state
A place with email links to your state Senators and Representatives. Folks, these are the people you need to hammer about what bothers you. They might even  read some of  the emails themselves  as long as you are polite and constructive.
"The trouble with fighting for human freedom is that one spends most of one's time defending scoundrels. For it is against scoundrels that the oppresive laws are first aimed, and oppression must be stopped at the beginning if it is to be stopped at all." (H.L. Mencken)
"Freedom is a package deal; it comes with responsibilities and consequences." (anonymous)
"The basic difference between an ordinary person and a warrior is that a warrior takes everything as a challenge, while an ordinary person takes everything as a blessing or a curse." (Carlos Castaneda)
    Folks, this link is set aside, by itself. It's a special place where you can go an 'adopt' a POW/MIA from the Viet Nam War. The government has declared them all officially dead, but persistant rumors keep coming from  South East Asia that some of them are still alive and imprisoned. Others were  taken to Russia and China, where a full accounting has never been done. Please, it doesn't take much to adopt a POW/MIA and it doesn't cost you a penny, just a little time.
     Please, let them know
"They are not forgotten."

Adopt a POW/MIA
Playboy Centerfolds at War
I think this was taken sometime in 1968. I was  visiting a friend who had been wounded and several Playboy Centerfolds were making rounds at the hospital, cheering the guys up. This is especially for those of you who thought that the Centerfolds and Bunnys were nothing but 'shameless hussies'. These ladies came to the war zone and donated their time to help the morale of  wounded GI's. I can personally report that several of the girls were reduced to tears once they had left the hospital.
Firebase Garland
The Wall

2nd Amendment

Guns 1
, Guns 2

Murphy's Laws of Combat


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