
        We are not endowed with luckiness and goodness when we are born to this world. But I do believe that our lives can be improved by our technology and development. We all have sympathies deep in our heart and what is going on in the world worth our attentions. Think of the soldiers who sacrifice their lives and families in the war with Iraq when you are supporting President Bush's decision of declaring war to Iraq. When you are ordering your food in either a plush eatery or in McDonald, think of the people in Ethiopia and limit the amount of food you order. It is once said that the food discard by all the people in USA can actually feed 500,000,000 people who are suffering from starvation. When you are quarreling with your parents, think of how they took care you when you were a baby. Think of how your cry woke them up in the middle of the night and how did they guide you to be prominent. These questions may have neglected by all of you, as we all are lucky enough to have enough food, the love from our parents and peace. What if one day all these conditions change? I do believe in karma, and that is why I always keep the aforementioned questions in my heart. Even a baby cries when he/she feels unpleasant, how can we be indifferent when we are facing such kind of cruel reality?

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