How To Do With The Real Feng Shui?

�@�@��In Xuan Kong Feng Shui, the above landscape can be a qualified and eligible place for buiding Yin or Yang house(��1).

�@�@��Waterfall can be a great landscape for some people who love mountain and water. however it is also a bad concept of Feng Shui. In Feng Shui, there is a name called "Sha Qi", this means the bad landscape or bad Li Qi. Waterfall is a bad landscape! However, in Feng Shui, water means fortune, so, if the Li Qi of a house is good and there is a waterfall in front of the house, the owner of the house can get fortune, however, he/she will suffer different kinds of illness.

�@�@��Wood is the ideal material for building houses and also the ideal material for making coffins. Because wood is best for Yin And Yang houses to Process the Qi(��2). The aboves are some wooden houses from the River Chalets of B.C.

Some Outside Bad Landscapes

�@�@��When your house is facing or near a red colored house, you should be more careful. Red colored house can reflex the "Sha Qi", if your house's Li Qi is bad, the red colored house will increase the bad luck. And avoid buying a house that has hostile hills (such as protruding rocks) or harmful structures that is pointing directly at the house. As a rule of thumb, it is also not advisable to live in close proximity to places like:

1) Power transmitter tower, telecommunication station and satellite disc
2) Police station and military camp
3) Hospital, mortuary, crematorium and casket
4) Overhead expressway and train tracks
5) T-junction, Y junction, cross road junction
6) Places of worship
7) Cemetery
8) Industrial park

�@�@��Avoid your house facing a strait road or the exit of the car park. This is called "Flushing" in Xuan Kong Feng Shui. And Also:

1) Avoid a house that is facing a T-Junction, Y-Junction or dead end road. The onrushing qi from the vehicles will affect the health and luck of the occupants.

2) Avoid a house that is facing a destructive knife like road or train track, which tends to bring misfortunes such as accidents, health problems and financial woes.

3) Avoid choosing an apartment that is situated directly above the entrance to the basement carpark. The constant movement of cars beneath the house will weaken the foundation of the house, thereby, affecting the health and luck of the occupants.

4) Avoid choosing a house that is overlooking the multi-storey carpark. The headlights from the moving cars will tends to shine into the house, which will in turn affect one's concentration, mood and luck.


�@�@��The aboves are called "Chong She"(Flushing). In Xuan Kong Feng Shui, any side of the house or apartment is near these kind of bad landscape and this side's Feng Shui Li Qi is bad as well, we can analyze the reactions of the owners or users of the house. Of couse, we must coordinate the analyzation with the "Xuan Kong Flying Star Chart"!


�@�@��The above is called the "Sky Sword". When your house near this kind of buiding, this side of your house must be in bad condition, when the Li Qi's bad Flying Star comes, the un fortunate things will happen.


�@�@��Aside from unhealthy air condition, When your house is facing the chimney and the Li Qi is ineligible, that will rapidly decrease the fortune of your house!


�@�@��Some objects will decrease the fortune index of your house, for example, the above, the house is facing a rock, it will bring the owner of the house a severe illness!


�@�@��In Xuan Kong Feng Shui, road's 5 Elements' modality is "Water". The above, there are two roads at the front of the houses, the shape of the roads are just like a capital letter "T". So, the road right in front of the house, we call that is the "Cutting Foot Water". If this shape of road is very close to your house, and the Li Qi is bad as well, it will bring the house bad fortune!

�@�@ And we can see a arrow mark on the road which is vertical to the houses, this is called "Shooting". If this kind of situation appears, that is much worse than the "Cutting Foot Water" as I mentioned on the above before! In my Xuan Kong Feng Shui records, people will suffer different kinds of serious illness!


�@�@��The above is like the "Cutting Foot Water", and in this case, the two houses' doors are very close and just right facing to each other, this is call the "Door to Door Flushing"


�@�@��The vehicles' driving diretion are very important too. on the picture, it shows the vehicles' driving direction, this kind of landscape is called "Pulling Buffalo". If the above situation appears, it will decrease the forture index!

Inside Your House

�@�@��Some People like to sleep near the fireplace, In Feng Shui, we need to beware the Coordination of 5 Elements. Human also has 5 Elements modality, fireplace belongs to the modality of "Fire", so, if the user of the house who is sleeping near the fireplace, and his/her modality does't cooperate to the modality of "Fire", such as the modality of "Water" or "Metal" he/ she should avoid to sleep near a fireplace.(��3)

�@�@��The light of a house is very important. Xuan Kong Feng Shui is fastidious sufficient light from the sun. When the house has sufficient light, we call this "Sun In The Right Status"!

�@�@��In Xuan Kong Da Gua Feng Shui, besides the wind and water processing(Li Qi) and the outer lanscape, we also strongly suggest the good inner decoration of a house. First of all, we strongly suggest all the beds of the house shouldn't close to the door. The above shows a right floor plan of a house.

�@�@��The above shows a stair is facing the third bed, in Xuan Kong Feng Shui, this is called "flushing", the air current made by the stair flushs directly to the bed, eventhough the "Li Qi" is good, the user of the third bed will suffer some bad lucks.

�@�@��The door faces right to the bed is a very bad inner furniture arrangement!

��1: Yin houses mean tombs, graves.

��2: "Qi" is the useful material from Feng Shui(wind and water).

��3: To know more about 5 elements, please click the following link��5 Elements

Some References�G�@ Feng Shui of The Emperors

Real Concept of Feng Shui

��Feng Shui consultations��

Xuan Kong History

The Detail History of Xuan Kong Da Gua

Something About ��Yi��

Five Elements

How to Measure and Luo Pan(Compass) Reading


Improvements for Feng Shui

New�� Real Concept of Feng Shui-2 ��New



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