A compass reading has to be performed at the facing side of your building. This facing direction may or may not be at the architectural front of your house. A special procedure is required to determine the 'facing' and 'sitting' of your building. Here is some terminology to help you in finding the facing side of your building.

Prior to any Xuan Kong Feng Shui audit both facing and sitting side of a building have to be determined. Facing can not be determined by one factor only, there are many different factors that have to be taken into concideration at the same time. It is absolutely vital and the most difficult part of any Xuan Kong audit, because all diagnosis and treatments rely on this. Especially in modern built houses it is not easy to distinguish between facing and sitting. Always keep in mind that each built structure has one facing side and one sitting side only.

Again, let us first agree on some terminology.

- Built structure

Structure under scrutiny/investigation. In feng shui terms mostly, but not always, a residential- or commercial building. Also a city, room, kitchen, desk, chair, bed, you own body. Your body has a facing, sitting and dragon and tiger. People keep their spines at their sitting sides so to speak.

- Architectural front

The side of the house that was architecturally ment to act as your front, mostly, but not always, containing main entrance. This side is not necessarily what we mean by 'facing' side.

- Main entrance

Door that was architecturally ment to act as your main door, mostly, but not always, at architectural front of house.

- Main road

Sometimes it is hard to determine the main road if there are several roads. If two or more roads, determine which of them is the busiest as in people and traffic, the broadest, the best furnished, has more trees, is closest to your main entrance or has water or more sun. Also look for interior features: which road represents the more active/quite parts of the building. Main road here means the one you choose from above mentioned features to be your main road.

- Landscaping

Any nicely done landscaping can act as your facing side if the main road is not (good) enough to be allocated your facing side. Landscaping are grass fields, trees, fields with furniture for people to sit at, fields for children to play or do sports, parks with or without ponds or animals. This landscaping has to be big enough and well attended to to be acting as your facing side.

- Mountain

Again, either real mountain, hill or elevated ground. Also: surrounding walls, adherent or neighbouring buildings, trees, quieter (more yin) side of structure. To determine mountain (sitting side) and in case of equal quantity: real overrides virtual, walls override trees, elevated override trees, trees override calm or quiter.

- Water

Real water, like river, lake, pool. Also virtual water: open and lively (more yang) space, road, landscaping, lower land. In order to act as your real water, some say real water has to be close to the house or you have to be able to see (some say from inside you house withing your eye range), hear or smell real water. To determine facing side and with equal quantity: real overrides virtual, river overrides road, river overrides landscaping, landscaping overrides road, low land overrrides landscaping, moving water overrides calm, sun overrides open and lively.

- Doors

The main entrance is fundamental to the Qi (��) flow of any building. However, facing and main door may not necessarily be at the same side of the house, they are not equivalents. Your door may be at the facing side but not in the same 45 degree compass sector. Eventhough the back door, side door or garage door may be the ones used most, with the door at the architectural front of the house used the least, in determining facing side the main entrance (architectural front door) still plays an important role. Do not choose your facing to be at the back door, side door or garage door of your house too soon. Before you do, a lot of other factors have to lead you to the same conclusion. Until they do, and in my opinion, the main door overrides any other door.

A door leading to a bigger balcony overrides a door leading to a smaller balcony, in most cases a door on the ground floor overrides a door on a higher floor. Also in feng shui sense 'door' can mean any open pathway allowing qi to travel from one area to another, either interior or exterior. It is essential for you to understand that an open door is a door and 'water' in feng shui terms: a closed door has become a wall and 'mountain' in feng shui terms.


- Main entrance inside a residential building For residential buildings, facing most likely is not where the main entrance is when this main entrance is inside the building. Facing side is more likely where most windows are at the architectural back or at either sides of your house. Also, when you share a building with other people, with you living on one of the floors, it may very well be that different floors have different facings.

- Main entrance inside a commercial building For commercial buildings facing side is not necessarily where the main entrance is when the main entrance is inside the building, unless other features (tall windows and most other openings) are at the same side. Otherwise look at wall with most windows or other doors.

- Front in alley When the architectural front or main entrance is in an alley, your facing side is most likely elsewhere.

- Front is built in with trees or has other qi obstruction Sometimes you have it all: a road and a river in front of your house, the main entrance at the architectural front, a lot of windows at the front. Still your facing side may be elsewhere if your main entrance and the front windows are completely hidden behind trees or other obstruction of qi and no sunlight can enter your space. Either take down the obstruction or look for your facing side in your back garden, arranging all of the house likewise.


Under normal circumstances your compass reading should be much easier than described here. However, sometimes a compass reading may give difficulty, so a lengthy description won't hurt.

1- Be sure to use a good Chinese compass.
2- If you do not have one, be sure to use an accurate (Don't use digital) western compass with degrees.
3- Never work from constructional drawings provided by official organisations or architects, these will bear geographical north rather than magnetic north which you will be needing as your feng shui reading.
4- Never take a reading from inside a house.
5- Stand outside your house at the facing side with your back towards the house, nose towards the horizon.
6- Take several readings along the entire facing wall. At least look at the needle at the extreme left of the facing wall, the center and the extreme right.
7- Be sure before you take a reading that you are 'fit', i.e. not tired and forget what you already think you 'know' will be the outcome: you are now a consultant, not the occupant. Be sure to have a clear and efficient mind. Let the compass give you the outcome, don't go telling the compass what it should tell you. This is not to be childish, to take a reading of your own house must be as difficult as judging yourself in the mirror.
8- Be sure you have no metal on your body and that you are away from any metal in the house or environment.
9- First take a few readings throughout the length of this 'facing' wall and with the compass against this wall at abdominal hight.
10- While you do this be aware of any metal. Also you will get different readings when you hold the compass against wood, glass or brick. Also metal, stone or water under ground. Doesn't matter, just be aware of this.
11- Carefully write down all different readings and be sure to state on your report 'abdominal' and the locations.
12- Then take the same readings, again compass against the wall but now at knee hight. Write down your readings.
13- Again take reading at all these locations at the front, but a few steps away from the house. Write down result.
14- Again take reading at the same spots, but again a few steps forward away from the house. Write down result.
15- Then do the same with the sitting of your house, standing with your back to the back wall, nose to the horizon.
16- To verify take readings also at the sides.
17- At the end you should be able to accurately determine and 'feel' the right compass reading from all readings.

Draw a floorplan of the house containing:

1- All exterior walls, all windows, doors and other openings. Accentuate windows that can be opened.
2- Draw the immediate environment but also environmental features that you are able to see from your windows (all floors).
3- Draw interior, including walls, windows, pathways, doors, furniture and functions of individual rooms.
4- Ultimate facing and sitting side or 'lottery' is when you have a clear defined facing side at your architectural front and a clear defined sitting side at your architectural back. - Your architectural front also has all other features, the main entrance, windows, road, river, landscaping or open and lively space.
5- Your architectural back has elevated ground, hill, walls, trees and is closed and calm. On top of this, both architectural sides are locked in by other buildings. And on top of this you have a noble water dragon in your facing palace and a noble mountain dragon in your sitting palace. When you have this your house it is called 'Wang Shan, Wang Shui': good for people, good for money. You are lucky.

Jiang Da Hong's Luo Pan(Compass)�G

From One of The Greatest Xuan Kong Feng Shui Master
--- Wu Chang Pai's (�L�`��) Grand Master--- Zhang Zhong Shan's (����s) Feng Shui Article
---�mThe Feng Shui Guide Book From the Mine and Eyes�n(�߲����n)

Ring Description

0. Heaven Pool and Meridian
1. Pre heaven arrangement of Trigrams (Pre Heaven Ba Gua)
2. 24 mountains
3. 48 Na Jia
4. The 28 Lunar Mansions

The above is just a simple Luo Pan what used by an ancent Master Called Jiang Da Hong. There are also some other complex Luo Pans can be found on the webs.


Real Concept of Feng Shui

Xuan Kong History

The Detail History of Xuan Kong Da Gua

Something About ��Yi��

Five Elements


Improvements for Feng Shui

New�� Real Concept of Feng Shui-2 ��New


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