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Uru: Ages Beyond MystUru: Ages Beyond Myst

Released: Nov 14th, 2003
Developer: Cyan Worlds
Publisher: Ubisoft Entertainment
Website: Uru, Complete Chronicles
Read more about Uru using the links on the sidebar.

Secrets of the past must be uncovered. Secrets of the present must be understood. Secrets of the future must be revealed...

Immerse yourself in a story that features the discovery of the lost D'ni civilization. Follow Yeesha, eccentric daughter of Atrus, to discover Linking Books, encounter descendants, and solve puzzles as you adventure through surreal worlds beyond your imagination.

Uru is a complete departure from the main Myst series. For one thing, it does not directly continue the story of Myst, Riven and Exile. (hence the reason why Myst IV is not "Myst V") Uru also changes the way we play adventure games, giving the player his or her own avatar (a virtual representation of themselves) in a fully dynamic 3D world.

The game was designed as a multiplayer product, but the original release was for single-player only (this portion of the game is referred to as "Ages Beyond Myst" or commonly, "Uru Prime"). Since it was designed for multiplayer, it sports some unique elements. For example, rather than saving and loading, every action you take in the game automatically saves. Instead of loading if you make a mistake, you are sent back to your personal Age and can easily link back into any Age you have explored. You are given a "personal Age" called "Relto," which is your home in the clouds. Unlike previous Myst games, where you had to find books lying around, in Uru you collect books at your Relto so you can revisit any Age.

Uru is set 200 or so years after the Myst quartet. Atrus and his family are long gone, but they have left remnants in the desert where he grew up, the most important being messages from his daughter Yeesha (we get to meet Yeesha as a baby in Exile and again as a young girl in Revelation). In Uru, explorers have felt a "calling" to return and rebuild D'ni. Deep under the ground, a dedicated team of adventurers known as the DRC are slowly reconstructing the great empire. But Yeesha has left her own clues as to how the rebuilding must be done...

As a story, Uru: Ages Beyond Myst is just the first part in what was to be a long story of D'ni. Unfortunately, that story has been shortened to just three chapters, but it is an epic tale nonetheless. (The story is continued in the first expansion, To D'ni and the final, The Path of the Shell).

Uru can be upgraded to the multiplayer mode, Untěl Uru, for a one-time cost of just $6 US.


Ubisoft EntertainmentCyan Worlds, Inc
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