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Welcome to Eat_My_Shortz' Relto!
Shorah! Welcome to the worlds of Myst and Uru — an adventure spanning six games and twelve years. Myst is more than a game. It is an unparalleled experience for your mind and senses. Join me in exploring the fantastic Ages of Myst, and remembering the journey.

A glimpse of the Ages of Uru

Myst has the best fan community in the world — the fans love the games, and love the company. The game Uru offers the community a new way to interact — from within the game! It is a place we go to chat, play games, adventure, and experience the true online community. You can use the links on the left to learn more about the online experience that is Untěl Uru.

This site is about sharing the online community. It offers my perspective on the game, the community, and the adventure. My name is Eat_My_Shortz — many of you will know me from the forums. To those of you I haven't met yet, shorah! Explore my Relto, and say hi in the cavern!

Warning! I've tried to keep spoilers to a minimum, but there are things all over the site which some people could count as spoilers! Explore at your own risk...

If you're new to Myst
This site is for you! The community is always warm and welcoming to new players. If you feel the call, you can begin your Myst adventure by purchasing the 10th Anniversary collection. Explore my site, and hopefully you will become convinced that Myst is the perfect escape.

Site and Community News

1 October 2005
Updates to EMS Relto
I've finally gotten around to updating the site - particularly the parts relating to Myst V which have been getting stagnant for awhile. You may notice that I've updated the main page to reflect the changing community: it is no longer mainly Uru-centric, but instead focusses on the Myst saga as a whole.

Myst may be over, but EMS Relto will continue to flourish, and as always, be but a single fan's representation of the Myst community. Keep reading... there's more news!

Cyan is back!!!
It's not even been a month since the community was hit with the hardest news we've ever had to take: Cyan is closing. And look what's happened... Cyan had a meeting with a publisher, and it would seem, they are back in business! The exciting news was revealed on GreyDragon's blog (here) - the same place where the closure was announced. More recently, Rand Miller sent an email to a fan, saying this:

"We've had a reprieve. Managed to pull a rabbit out of the hat (that I can't give details about yet), so we rehired almost everybody. Crazy industry. It's giving me whiplash!"

So, there'll be no more Myst, but (if everything goes well), there will be more Cyan. The ending, as always, has not yet been written.

My Myst V Review
Well, I finally got my hands on Myst V: End of Ages, and have been playing it over the past week (that's my official excuse for not updating the site sooner ;). Now that I'm finished, I've written a lengthy review offering my opinion of the game. Short answer: I absolutely loved it. Please do yourself and Cyan a favour, and buy it. Long answer: read the review.

I've also updated the main Myst V page with lots of new information and screenshots.

20 September 2005
Myst V Released
It's here! The final chapter in the Myst saga has begun shipping to stores worldwide. I can't wait to get my hands on it!

8 September 2005
Situation with Cyan
Hmm... it seems that some of us may have been a bit "premature" with our 'ending-has-been-written's and 'rest-in-peace's and long melancholy tribute videos to Cyan. Six days since the news broke, there is hope, both at the remains of Cyan, and in the community, that Cyan may live on to produce another game. Facts are pretty hard to come by right now, but here are the things we "know":

  • Earlier today, Rand Miller and some other (ex)-Cyanites had a meeting with a publisher to try and secure a publishing contract for another game. The result is as yet unknown. But the important thing is they are trying.
  • "Cyan is not in debt with Ubisoft" - according to GreyDragon's latest blogpost - they are not "in debt" in the strongest sense of the word. He described it as a "fiscal obligation" which may be sugar for "debt", but at least it can't be not terribly much.
  • To quote MystWorlds Community Manager Kha'tie: "It's not as "Final" as it sounds at the moment... there's hope and there are a lot of varying issues at stake. :)"
  • Cyan as a company still exists - Rand Miller and Tony Fryman are still part of the company. From what it seems, a lot of "ex" employees are still working with them on securing contracts and informing the community - they just aren't being paid. It's sort of a crisis-mode, with employees still helping out even though not officially employed.
  • If Cyan gets the contract for another game, they will rehire as many employees as possible.

One thing is very very important: Myst V must sell well for there to be any hope for Cyan. Remember, Cyan still exists, and are STILL getting cash from sales of Myst V - it isn't like it's all going to Ubisoft. Cyan needs your money. You need this game. Everyone should be happy.

We as a community need to spread the word that Myst V exists and is coming, so that all the millions of people who bought Myst and Riven can have one final trek through the Ages.

Cyan are trying to secure the contract for their next game, but cannot do it without all of our help! Remember, as always, the ending has not yet been written.


7 September 2005
A Tribute to Cyan Worlds
Like everyone in the community, I was deeply saddened at the news of Cyan's closure, so I decided to do something creative. As a gift to the community, I spent two days over the weekend creating a video tribute to the company.

The video runs for seven minutes and incorporates clips from past trailers and making-ofs. I urge you all to download it to celebrate the history of our favourite game studio, and remember the good times.

Cyan Tribute (36.9 MB Quicktime)
(Note: You should right-click and choose "Save As", because I've had problems streaming it, and it's also one of those things you should watch all at once).

Special thanks to MystObsession/Dusante for helping me with the hosting and providing space. If the location of the file changes in future, check back here to find out what's happened to it!

Thankyou, Cyan, for all the memories!

For older news, see the News Archives

Ubisoft EntertainmentCyan Worlds, Inc
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