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Myst V: End of AgesMyst V: End of Ages

Released: September 20th, 2005
Developer: Cyan Worlds
Publisher: Ubisoft Entertainment
Website: Myst V: End of Ages
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Read my full review of the game

You will listen carefully. This is not to be taken lightly. The tablet has responded to you. It will be your burden. Many have taken this tablet, and they tried not to let go. It is the power of the writing - it seduces all who try to hold it. I have held it. But I can hold it no longer.

You will start this journey where I started. Where my father Atrus started. Where my great-grandmother Ti'ana started. You will end this journey here, when the tablet is released.

What you still don't understand, you have failed to hear, or don't need to know. Choose wisely in the end. For there will be no second chance.

It's time for the end. The end of Myst forever. Cyan Worlds are back in the developer's seat for the final instalment in the twelve-year-long Myst series. Myst V: End of Ages takes you back to the D'ni empire and the worlds of Myst for one last journey through the Ages. The game pulls together the stories of all the previous Myst games in the conclusion to the greatest adventure series of all time.

For the first time in a core Myst game, you will experience full realtime 3D - and all the freedom that comes with it. In Myst V: End of Ages, you explore seven sprawling Ages - from the surface on Earth, down to the depths of D'ni, and the farthest reaches of space, on a quest to unlock a powerful tablet.

Myst V gives you a new device to play with: the slate. This item lets you draw certain symbols on it which are interpreted by the game, and allow you to cause major changes to the world. This innovative new feature makes a number of new puzzles available.

The game re-introduces us to Yeesha, whom we have known from childhood. In Myst V, she is an elderly woman, and powerful beyond all imagination. But she has failed the quest. So has another character you'll meet, Esher, an old D'ni scholar who helps you along the way. Now, only you can unite the four slates to unlock the tablet, and save the D'ni civilisation.

The stakes have never been higher, and the choice is up to you.

Rand Miller had this to say:

"Myst V: End of Ages follows the Myst storyline to its conclusion -- closing the book on the Ages of Myst. To complete this circle of Myst we've embraced the idea of something old and something new. New in regard to pushing forward in areas of interface and technology. And old -- getting back to the simple exploration that made Myst so magical."

For more information, read my review of the game.


The game features seven Ages in all. These include two Ages which were announced long before Uru was released - finally, players are able to explore Noloben and Todelmer! Another Age, Laki'ahn was also on the DRC's original list.

It is the only Myst game (besides Riven) where the Ages are not written primarily by Atrus.

The full Age list is as follows:

  • D'ni - The empire which started it all - the Age of Earth plays a large role in the game. Players begin in K'veer - in the room where Atrus sat at the end of Myst, and are finally able to explore its surroundings. Players are also able to travel from the surface at the cleft, down through the Great Shaft of D'ni.
  • Direbo - A peaceful twilight swamp, the "hub" Age of the game, with links to the four main Ages.
  • Tahgira - A frozen wasteland that was once used as a prison Age.
  • Todelmer - A bewildering space Age - set on the moon of a large planet. Built by the D'ni to study the heavens.
  • Noloben - The beach Age that was cancelled in Uru Live can be seen in Myst V. The home of Esher, and previously owned by the Bahro. (See Noloben in the Myst V demo!)
  • Laki'ahn - A tropical paradise, where the D'ni once had mighty sporting events.
  • Another Age can be explored at the end.


Ubisoft EntertainmentCyan Worlds, Inc
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