People of Tetbury in 1735

Shillingford, Shipton, Shipway, Shirman, Shorr, Short, Shreve, Shreeve,
Shuring, Sidman, Sidnell, Silcock, Simon, Simmonds, Symons, Simpson, Skelton, Shelton, Skum, Slade,

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All dates are converted to new style (year starting on Jan 1st) and shown as year - month - day.


Hannah Shillingford married on 17290930 to William Graham


In Tetbury Records, before Dec 31, 1735.
1685 Jonathan Shipton was Churchwarden
D 566 B 2/2 05-Oct 1698 Jonathan Shipton Deputy Bailiff of Tetbury for 52 weeks
D 566 L 3/2 24-Oct 1700 Jonathan Shipton signed the Deed of protest against the 13
D 566 B 37 17-Apr 1701 Jonathan Shipton name on note, also Charles Cox
1707-8 Jonathan Shipton was Churchwarden
D 566 B 19 The Tetbury Survey 6 May 1698 copied 1718 Page 04, Jonathan Shipton for 2 houses adjoining 12-0-0
Page 11, Jonathan Shipton 2 houses joined together 18-0-0
D 566 M3 1735 Leather Sealers Michael Shipton

At Tetbury 1735-6, ages to Dec 31, 1735.
Michael 35, his wife Sarah 33 and daughter Betty 1.
Not in Census
Anne 25, who married Thomas Hill

Court Leet Roll 1735 - Michael p7 Foreigh Jury & Court Duty

Census at Tetbury, 1735-6.
Shipton Michael House 16.12&w 1cd ch3
He 1700- Sarah 1702-Betty 1734-

In Tetbury Trustee or Town Records, after 1735.
D 566 M3 1736 Leather Sealers of the Court Michael Shipton
D 566 M4 1746 417 members of the Court Leet Page 6 Michael Shipton
D 566 B 35A 07-Mar 1753 John Shipton employed at 1/- to keep infected cattle out of the Faire
D 566 M4 - 1754 439 members of the Court Leet Page 5.2 Michael Shipton
D 566 M5 - 1762 507 members of the Court Leet Page 3.1 Michael Shipton, Page 3.1 William Shipton
D 566 R 1/7 Dec 1767 Michael Shipon received 6d at Christmas inside Column 1, Langstom and Maltby Charity,
D 566 R 1/7 28-Apr 1767 Michael Shipton Junior, Page 1a, signed at a Vestry compaining about too many cattle in the Warren
D 566 R 1/7 Dec 1773 Sarah Shipon Widow, received 6d at Christmas inside Column 1, Langstom and Maltby Charity

Anne Shipton 1710 - 17700405 aged 60, married 17361004 to Thomas Hill 17140326 - 17690624 son of John aged 56 and baptised Thomas 17391104 - 17400317.

Betty Shipton 1734 - married 17620521 to William Cole Junior and baptised Sarah 17630331, Hannah 17650224 lived 3 weeks, William 17660427, Elizabeth 17680611 and Daniel 17710303 lived 8 years.

Jonathan Shipton died of Smallpox, was buried 17110219. In 1704 Jonathan Shipton was wealthy enough to pay a fine of 10/- for suffering ?? in his house on a Lord's Day, part of a group of 11 men providing the Churchwardens with 4-2-0 which was given to 71 poor people, most getting 1/- (Page 252, Churchwardens Record Book, P328/1 CW 2/14)

Mrs Shipton, Widow, was buried 17151015

Michael Shipton married 17341225 to Sarah Beale, who was also counted separately in the census, possibly with Michael as her Lodger. They baptised John 17351025, Mary 17400817, Michael, William and Thomas 17501014.
Thomas Shipton is a Tenant, named in Joshua Wilkins's Will dated 6 Jul 1785
Thomas is the main beneficiary of his cousin John Marks in his Will dated 10 Aug 1797

Lydia Shipton left a Will in 1834, reference 1834/96


In Records, reference P328a OV 2/1, 1741-9
1742-3 Ratepayers in Tetbury rate set at two shillings in the Pound,
Page 51 Mr Shipway 1-04-00
Page 420, Apr 1747 Mrs Shipway Ratepayer of Tetbury

In Records, reference P328a OV 2/2, 1750-9
Listing by streets is a new feature. Rate set at 4/- in the Pound 1754,
60 Long Street downwards, Shipways 1-10-0

John Shipway married on 17140520 to Elizabeth Rickets.
John Shipway, of Highfield, baptised Betty 17630101.


John Shirman was buried on 17071114.


Betty Shorr, of Coates, buried Betty, her base daughter, on 17380119.


John Short died of Smallpox, was buried on 17230419.

John Short was returned to Tetbury as he was ill, by the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor at Sapperton. He was then sent to Bath Hospital by the Tetbury officials, reference P328a OV 3/3/1, dated 25 Jan 1763

John Short, servant to Mr Allaway, was buried on 17660415.

Shreve, Shreeve

At Tetbury 1735-6, ages to Dec 31, 1735.
John 44, his wife 39, and his four children
Charles 14, Dinah 5, Annah 3 and William 1.
Not in Census
John 16, fifth child of John.

Census at Tetbury, 1735-6.
Shreeve John House 26.11 of Charlton &w 4cd ch6
He 1691- Wife 1696-
John 1719-Charles 1721- Dinah 1730-Annah 1732-

John Shreeve of Kingscot baptised John 17190214, Charles 17210910, Ann 17230211 lived 8 months, Joseph 17251102 lived 17 days, Dinah 17300328, Annah 17320106, buried Sarah 17330715, baptised William 17340402 and Mary 17360715.


Mr John Shuring baptised Thomas 17230510, William 17250720 and Elizabeth Scammell 17270512.

The Will of William Scammell 1727/109 proved on 14 Apr 1727 has a bequest to 'my daughter Elizabeth Shewring five shillings'.
The name John gave to his daughter in 1727 is the link joining these two families.


John Sidman, and Katherine his wife, Master for apprentice William Chambers who was supported by Richard Caudle, reference P328a OV 4/2 dated 2-Nov 1709


John Sidnell, glover, and Elizabeth his wife had a Settlement Certificate from the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor, for Box in Wiltshire, reference P 328a OV 3/1/2 dated 28-Dec 1716


Ted Prince research
- see Hicocks Hilcock

Mrs Silcock
presented at Court leet by the Town Jury 30 Sept 1735
for erecting posts or rails before her door
and in the streets or waste ground.
To be removed by Nov 5th on penalty of one pound.

In Records, reference P328a OV 2/1, 1740-9
Page 182, 12-Mar 1743 (Old date) Mrs Silcock paid 02-06 for delivering Samuel Underhill's wife of a child

Simon, Simmonds, Simmons, Symons

The Hearth Tax - 1660-1675
A charge on the number of stoves, hearths in each home
March 1664 Samuel Simon Ladyday Not Chargeable

Charles Simmons, of Newberry Berkshire, baptised his son Charles on 17311214.
Richard Symons baptised his son Richard Miller on 17160929.
Robert Simmonds was buried on 17491230.

Will of Robert Simmonds 1749/11

Will made 21 Dec 1749 and proved by Constance Simmonds 22 Jan 1749/50
To my father if my wife moves out from living with him 20 pounds
To my friend John Browning, my watch, which he has admired.
To John Browning, son of John Browning, my apprentice, he is to be paid 5 pounds and found a new master
To my wife, to be my sole executor.


Gabriel Simpson was buried on 17101128.
In Tetbury Records, before Dec 31, 1735.
P328a OV 4/1 21-Jan 1690 William Simpson Master to Apprentice Joseph Man
D 566 B 19 The Tetbury Survey 6 May 1698 copied 1718
Page 05, Samuel Simpson dwelling 1-0-0
Page 14, Samuel Sympson several houses 16-0-0
Page 13, Samuel Sympson shop 4-0-0
Page 05, Samuel Sympson dwelling owned by Robert Merchant
Page 01, William Simpson house 1-6-0
Page 15, William Simpson dwelling 2-0-0

William Simpson Master for apprentice Joseph Man, a Poor child of Tetbury, to teach trade of Barber and Chirurgion, for 8 years, reference P328a OV 4/1 dated 21-Jan 1690

William Simpson was buried 17270409 and his widow Margaret on 17271206.

Skelton, Shelton

Men of 1608 - Nicholas Celton, Medium, Husbandman, 40y, Thomas Scelten, Butcher, medium, 40y

Mary Skelton wed Giles Brookbanck 12 Apr 1635
Francis Skelton wed Mary Bayly 22 Oct 1685
Anne Skelton wed William Hasspy 8 Nov 1694
Margaret Skelton wed William Hodges 25 Aug 1695
Jonathan Skelton clandestinely married 1698

The Hearth Tax at Tetbury
A charge on the number of stoves, hearths in each home
Oct 1671 Charles Skelton 1 hearths Page 1
Oct 1671 Francis Skelton 4 hearths Page 1
Oct 1672 Thomas Skelton 1 hearths Church Street
Hearth Tax families in nearby places
1671 Minchinhampton Widow Shirton 2 hearths
1672 Minchinhampton William Shirton 1 hearths
1672 Minchinhampton Widow Shirton 2 Junior

In Tetbury Records, before Dec 31, 1735.
D 566 B 11 18-May 1700 Thomas Skelton signed a Protest asking that the 13 be re-established
D 566 T 2/3 26-Mar 1705 Thomas and Hannah Skelton in possession of White Lion
D 566 B 19 The Tetbury Survey 6 May 1698 copied 1718
Page 18, Dufton, Francis Shelton 6-0-0 for land
Page 05, Francis Skelton for Red Lion 15-0-0
Page 04, John Shelton house rented by John Seal
Page 11, John Skelton rent
Page 18, Jonathan Shelton 10-0-0 for land
Page 08, Jonathan Shelton for White Lion 20-0-0
Page 13, Jonathan Shelton house owned by Richard Kilmaster
Page 04, Thomas Shelton house rented by John Wells
Page 16, Widow Sherton for a barber house in the White Lion

At Tetbury 1735-6, ages to Dec 31, 1735.
Thomas 60, and his wife 58

Census at Tetbury, 1735-6.
Census at Tetbury, 1735-6.
Shelton Thomas House 16.01&w ch2
He 1675-Wife 1677-

In Overseers Records, P328a OV 2/1, 1736-49
Poor relief Ratepayer, 20 Jul 1742, Page 49 the Skelton grounds 4-00-00 or Occupier

Bigland recorded
On a Stone
Against the West side of the Steeple
To the memory of Thomas Skeltton who died July the 26, 1718 Aged 47
John son of Daniel Brown died 16 September 1718 aged 20.
Diana wife of Nicholas Lewis died 26 July 1741 aged 36.

The Bigland record raises the question, what is the connection between Thomas, John and Diana? Dates are such that John could be the son of Thomas's sister, and Diana his neice.

Widow Shilton was buried 17051108.

Richard Skelton 1645 - 17091203, his widow was buried 17150513, and his son Thomas born 1671 - 17180729 aged 47, also buried Jonathan 17020307, William 17041124 and Francis 17061212.

Thomas Skelton was buried 17180729
The IGI provides the following
Jonathan Skelton baptised Jonathan 8 Aug 1667, Hester 16 Jun 1670, Thomas 28 Dec 1671, Margaret 9 May 1676, Joana 24 Feb 1680

Will of Thomas Skelton 1718/205

Will was signed in his own writing on 20 Apr 1718 and Proved on 3 Sep 1718
To my sister Hester Browne 20 pounds
To my nephew John Browne 30 pounds, to receive interest on this amount till he turns 21, then to receive the sum
To my brother Jonathan Skelton 3 shillings a week while he lives, and all my wearing apparel
To my sister Margaret Hodges, wife of William Hodges, all my close and arrable land now in the possession of Thomas Bissey, and after she die, give it to my neice Joana Browne
To my neices Hester, Ann and Joana, daughters of my sister Margaret Hodges, interest before and the sum of 20 pounds apiece, when they each reach age of 21
To Ann Purnell daughter of Timothy Purnell 50 pounds
To Joana Browne the house called White Lyon, and all my remaining property, and appoint her my sole executor

Thomas Skelton alive in 1735 could be son of Thomas
Thomas Selton buried his daughter Betty 17700115.


Peter Skum, of ?? in Glomorganshire, baptised Mary 17580718.


Edward Slade was named by Hester Noaks as father of her female basard reference P328a OV 5/4 dated 2-Sep 1783

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