Our Birth Plan

January 29, 2001

Mother: Carissa Dollar
Husband & Father: Matthew Dollar
EDD: 03/10/01
Caregiver: Nurse Midwives of Indianapolis
Birth Assistant: Kristin Minor
Backup OB: Dr. Mary Soper
Family Physician: Dr. Charles Platz
Potential Labor Support : Tena Williams (Carissa�s Mother) & Tina Lee (Carissa�s Step-Mother)

We believe that as long as everything proceeds normally, the staff of the Birth Center will automatically provide the atmosphere and care we envision for the joyous birth of our child. Our basic vision of our Birth Center birth involves laboring and birthing in the birthing tub. Carissa plans to remain active throughout labor. We will labor at home as long as possible. It is our goal to arrive at the Birth Center before entering transition so Carissa can spend transition in the tub. We plan to bring music and candles with us to help create a peaceful atmosphere. Carissa would like to try pushing in a supported squat, but is open to suggestions for other positions. If pushing in the tub isn�t productive we would like the option of using the birthing chair. We are open to suggestions for positions that may be more productive. Carissa would like to be reminded to touch the baby�s head during pushing. We would like to be offered the opportunity for one or both of us to help catch the baby.

In the event of a transfer to the hospital, the following statements represent our careful consideration and education concerning the labor and birth of our child. We understand the need to remain flexible and will be prepared for any necessary last minute changes to insure the health of both Mother and Baby. We appreciate your help in bringing our child into this world gently, with as few medical interventions as possible. We ask to please be informed (medical reason, risks, benefits and alternatives) of any procedures and given time for discussion before anything is done. Thank you for your understanding and support in making our baby�s birth a joyous experience and warm memory for our family.




If a C-section Becomes Necessary

We, the undersigned, have read this birth plan and will do our best to ensure a gentle and joyous birth experience:

The Three Dollar's Theatre.
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