Cited Materials

Blume, William A. Religious Television programs, A Study of Relevance.  Hastings
House Publishers, New York.  1969.
- This book is about difficulties and success that the religious broadcasters have in America. From the difficulties of broadcasting itself to how to make religious  broadcasting more effective.
I intend to use this book to show how other broadcasters have problems reaching People while “The Simpsons” have a great following when they preach and  undermine many if not all religious ideals.

Bowler, Gerry. God and The Simpsons: The Religious Life of an Animated Sitcom
  The Simpsons Archive.  February 12, 2000 Nazarene University College.
February 14, 2006.
  -This article is about how Bowler believes that there is a great deal of religion   And god in The Simpsons. But I intend to say that Homer only appears  Religious and Marge is really the religious figure. (Which he would agree to).


Guida, Jim. The Ten Commandments vs. The Simpsons. The Simpsons Archive.
March 27, 2005. Foundations for Spiritual Life. February 6, 2006.
- Here Guida talks about each Commandment and how each of the Simpson Family members act in accordance to that commandment. I intend to show that Homer breaks these laws more often and more outright than the others.

Pinsky, Mark I. Divine Imagery; “Perfect Teeth. Nice Smile. A Class Act All the Way.        
The Gospel According to The Simpsons: The Spiritual Life of the World’s Most Animated Family. Westminster John knox Press. Louisville. 2001.
Pp. 13-26
- In this article Pinsky is saying that Hoomer is a religious man and that he has a Close relationship with God. I will argue that Homer isn’t a religious man, but Rather calls on God when he needs him: not giving praise any other time.

Pinsky, Mark I. Moral Dilemmas: “Dad We May Have Saved Your Soul “.    
The Gospel According to The Simpsons: The Spiritual Life of the World’s Most Animated Family. Westminster John knox Press. Louisville. 2001.
- In this one he talks discusses the diffiicult the Simpsons have with some of The Commandments and the problems Homer and Marge face. This will Definitely help me establish that Marge and Homer have problems and that they Are related to the Ten Commandments.

Pinsky, Mark I. The Bible: “I Think It May be Somewhere toward the Back”.       
The Gospel According to The Simpsons: The Spiritual Life of the World’s Most Animated Family. Westminster John knox Press. Louisville. 2001.
Pp. 95-101.
- Pinsky gives an account of how the Biblee is relevant today. He gives examples
Of books from the Bible and how The Simpsons have episodes that deal with Parts of that book. I will prove that Homer is only sited in these instances Because of his lack of knowledge and misunderstanding.

Satkin, Scott. The Simpsons as a Religious Satire. The Simpsons Archive. April 28

1.February 10, 2006.

 Satkin says in this article that the show uses satire to explore many aspects Of religious life. I will use this article to show that one of the main things that The Simpsons touch on is the Ten Commandments.

Schultze, Quentin J. Christianity and the Mass Media in America. Michigan State
University Press. East Landing. 2003. Pp. 328-40.
-This section of the book talks about how the secular and the religious culture Exist together in our lives. This will help prove my point that the relationship Between Homer (being the Secular) and Marge (the Religious) work so well.

Shalda, Jeff. Religion and The Simpsons. The Simpsons Archive. December 29, 2000.
February 10, 2006 
            -In this article, Shalda talks about the show as a whole and how the different Aspects of it get attention: namely religion. It also gives character analysis of the
Main people in the show. This will help me establish the feeling I want to             Portray.

The Fox. February 5, 2006.
- Here I have found a great deal of information about the characters and Also all the different episodes. This will give me the information that I need To have better knowledge about each show and what the correct lines of each Character are.

The Simpsons Quotes. About Bad Credit Mortgages. February 8, 2006.
- This site has many quotes that I have forgotten in all my years of watching This show It will help prove my points and help renew my insight about the Lives of Homer and Marge.

Van Allen, Eliezer. The Simpsons: An Imperfect Ideal Family. The Simpsons Archive.
April 28, 2002. Stanford University. February 09, 2006.
- Here Van Allen talks about how The Simpsons are representative of the American family, with all its dysfunctions. I hope to use this article to show That Homer is the source of a lot of this dysfunction. While, at the same time Showing that his unethical way of life is related to breaking the Ten Commandments.


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