One half of the brothers "ParaDox", he is also an eliminator who is under Pegasus' payroll. He and his brother are great duelists and never duel apart. They specialize in Labyrinth dueling and they contain an extremly powerful card called "The Gate Guardian" which is in the same class as Exodia. They always seem to rhyme

One half of the brothers "ParaDox", he is also an eliminator who is under Pegasus' payroll. He and his brother are great duelists and never duel apart. They specialize in Labyrinth dueling and they contain an extremly powerful card called "The Gate Guardian" which is in the same class as Exodia. They always seem to rhyme.

Yugi Moto | Seto Kaiba | Maximillion Pegasus | Mai Valentine | Joey Wheeler | T�a Gardner
Tristan Taylor | Bakura | Mokuba Kaiba | Grandpa | Serenity Wheeler | Malik Ishtar
Weevil Underwood | Rex Raptor | Bandit Keith | Panik | Para & Dox | Henchmen