Bakura is very generous and kindhearted transfer Student, not much you can say for Yami Bakura, his egyptian alter ego gotten by his Millenium Ring who was a theif wanting the Millenium Items for power, Bakura's Father was out on a business trip and saw The Millenium Ring at a vendor and Decided to buy it for his son since it was related to the new card game, Bakura Loved to play. Later He meets up with Yugi and the Gang and becomes great friends with them and joins in on all of there adventures.

Yugi Moto | Seto Kaiba | Maximillion Pegasus | Mai Valentine | Joey Wheeler | T�a Gardner
Tristan Taylor | Bakura | Mokuba Kaiba | Grandpa | Serenity Wheeler | Malik Ishtar
Weevil Underwood | Rex Raptor | Bandit Keith | Panik | Para & Dox | Henchmen