Men hired by Pegasus to do his bidding. Some of them are body guards, and some kick off duelists that have lost all of their star chips. It seems as though there are hundreds of throughout the island.
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Kemo: Pegasus's main bodyguard and is on the island all the time looking for duelist that have been eliminated. And he has been seen holding Mokoba in the duel that Kaiba and Yugi had.
Click For Full SizeCroquet: Pegasus's Chief of Security, He always seems to bother him with a update that he already knows when hes doing the most important thing in the day: "Drinking Grape Juice and Reading Silly Comics".

Yugi Moto | Seto Kaiba | Maximillion Pegasus | Mai Valentine | Joey Wheeler | T�a Gardner
Tristan Taylor | Bakura | Mokuba Kaiba | Grandpa | Serenity Wheeler | Malik Ishtar
Weevil Underwood | Rex Raptor | Bandit Keith | Panik | Para & Dox | Henchmen