Owner of his own company, Kaiba Corporation, and champion duelist. Seto Kaiba is ruthless when he duels, and shows absolutely no mercy. His deck contains the only three Blue Eyes White Dragons in the world and the The God of Obelisk, making his deck extremely powerful. He has a strong love for his younger brother, Mokuba Kaiba. Although he doesn't admit (or show it for that matter), he has a growing respect for Yugi and the heart of the cards.

Yugi Moto | Seto Kaiba | Maximillion Pegasus | Mai Valentine | Joey Wheeler | T�a Gardner
Tristan Taylor | Bakura | Mokuba Kaiba | Grandpa | Serenity Wheeler | Malik Ishtar
Weevil Underwood | Rex Raptor | Bandit Keith | Panik | Para & Dox | Henchmen