

    This part of the Compañeros website is provided to both parents and students.  The long term assignment will be listed below for each of the subject areas.  Ms. Cuevas and I understand that sometimes you may lose some of the worksheets that we used repeatedly in class.  At the bottom of this page you will find some of the worksheets that we have handed out to all the students in our classes.  When you click on the link, it should provide you with the worksheet that you are looking for.  Please feel free to print the worksheet or review it if you need to.


    Esta parte del website de Compañeros se proporciona a los padres y los estudiantes. Las asignaciones para cada uno de los temas se encontraran abajo. Sra. Cuevas y yo entendemos que usted puede perder a veces algunas de las hojas de trabajo que utilizamos en varias ocasiones en la clase. En el fondo de esta paginación usted encontrará algunas de las hojas de trabajo que hemos repartido a todos los estudiantes en nuestras clases. Cuando usted hace clic a  la conexión, debe proveer de usted la hoja de trabajo que usted está buscando. Siéntase por favor libre imprimir la hoja de trabajo o repasarla si usted necesita.












Social Studies/

estudios Sociales





Current Events Due Every 3rd Friday of every month (Next one  due 9/19/08)



Math Binder and Journal Pages assigned in class are  due the next day.    

Reading/ lectura

Guided Reading group assignments due daily.

Check boards in class for assignments! Give yourself enough time to complete your report.  Do not wait to the last minute.


Book Report Outline can be printed below. BOOK Report for September/October Due 10/29/08

Language Arts/


Complete two pages of your

-Alphabetize List -

speller lessons every day.

- Write list words in complete sentences -

Study your lists and be -write words in syllabic form-

ready for end of the week quizzes.

- write spelling list word 5x each-

Speller Lessons must be completed by the end of the week.

Special Projects/



Assignments and frequently used outline worksheets.


Social Studies/Estudios Sociales




Reading/ lectura

Language Arts/escritura


Severe Weather Project

Current Events Outline  

3-Minute Math Practice worksheet


Book Report Outline


Five Themes of Geography Project



Flood Questions   


Archaeology Project Sheet



 Japanese Internment Poem


Civil Rights Rubric/Persuasive Essays





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