Social Studies – Ancient Civilization Assignment


                Your assignment is to choose one of the civilizations we have gone over in class or one of your own choosing so long         as I approve of it before you begin After you have chosen one civilization you may do one of the following projects:



       You may create 5 or more artifacts (use clay, play dough etc.) from your civilization.  After you create these artifacts you may place them on display either on a poster board or a display board.  Each artifact must have a one-paragraph explanation with details about its origin, its use, and its importance in the civilization you chose.



        You may create a model of a Landmark from the civilization you chose.  This landmark may include; the Pyramids of Egypt, the Great Wall of China, The Nile River, The Temples of the Aztec, the Coliseums of the Roman Empire, the Parthenon etc.  The model must be accompanied by a one full-page report.   This report must tell how it was created, its use in the civilization, why it was important, and why it is considered a landmark to that particular civilization.



         You may write a paper on one of the civilizations of your choosing.  The paper must be 5 pages typed with a separate bibliography.



        Other projects may be considered on an individual basis, but you must explain to me why I should allow you to do it rather than one of the three listed above.


All papers and explanations must be typed.  The font or size of the letters can only be between 12 – 14 and it must be double-spaced. 


Materials for your projects are your responsibility, you must get your own clay, poster board, display etc.  Do not ask me to get it for you.  If you cannot get certain materials be resourceful and figure out something else you can use or do for creating the items.

Finally, DO NOT wait to the last minute, and use class time that is given wisely.  I will not accept any late projects and I do not want to hear that your computers or printers are not working.  Do what you must to get this done by the due date..

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