The One Religion of
Jesus Christ
Islam In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came to be through Him, and without Him, nothing came to be. What came to be, through Him, was life snd this life was the life of the Human Race. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
Muslims claim to have the full truth of God, they are false and they will surely burn in the fires of the eternal pit for their infidelity. God does not find favor with them, and their methods and tactics for converting weak-willed Christians will surely doom them to eternal torment, along with their false prophet Muhammad.
Islam!? No Thanks!
    The earliest known talk of Islam (which means "submission to the will of God") is around the year 600 when, after about 23 years of divine revealations from Allah in the Arabian desert, Muhammad (the Prohpet of Islam) ventures to Mecah to tell people of his "visions" He is rebuked and sent to Medina. These are two of the holiest cities in the Islamic world and both happen to be in Saudi Arabia. It is also one of the Five Pillars of Islam to visit Mecca (or make a conscious effort) one time in your life.
     While many scholars still hold the claim that Islam is a religion of peace and unity, the facts stated by the Qur'an (Muslim Holy Book) are to the contrary.
John 1:1-5
The plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge, the Creator, in the first place amongst whom are the Muslims; these profess to hold the faith of Abraham, and together with us they adore the one, merciful God, mankind's judge on the last day.
Catechism of the Catholic Church #841
    From these sometimes frightening texts comes "great" men like Osama bin Laden and the Ayatola Komenei. True, you cannot place all Muslims in the extreamist group which is a very small minority,but most Islamic scholars and books will tell you that Christianity (along with Judaism) is a religion based on fiction and that in due time it will be destroyed as we Christians are apparently "ignorant" of the full truth of God is in the Qur'an (Sometimes spelled: Quran-Quraan-Koran) According to them, Jesus was a Prophet of Islam as well as all of the Hebrew prophets, in their religion, Adam and Eve were the first Muslims. But anyone who has read the bible and studied the Hebrew Traditions, we know that Adam and Eve were not even the first Jews, let alone Muslims. Judaism wasn't "born" untill the prophisies of Abram in the desert of Babylon. Sure, Adam and Eve knew God and Cain, Abel, Noah and the rest before Abraham. But over time the bond between these peoples and God (Allah) diminished.
     Christians are the only Faith that totally embraces the full truth of Jesus Christ and his Father God (Yahweh- Jehovah- Allah) who He called Abba (which in Aramaic means "Father") As outlined in the Old Testament, Jesus was not only the Son of God, but God himself in the form of a man, the second part of the
Holy Trinity of persons, yet still in one God. Muslims find this concept hard to understand, and they should. We as Christians cannot comprehend it, but we know it to exist. Jesus Christ was God incarnate, Son of the Most High, and all that oppose him or refuse his name are thrown into the fiery pits of Gahenna (A trash heap where human waste and corpses were thrown in Jesus' time, often used by Him as an example for Hell). As the apostles have said, there is only name to the path to eternal happiness and that name is Jesus Christ.
     If you are a Muslim,  we highly encourage you to throw out your old rugs of Islam and embrace the new wonderful Robes of God, and his people the Christians. He accepts all people, he came for all people. In these articles, We  will explain why Muslims do not want to engage in serious debate with Christians, because they know that we have long studied the works of the True God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Jesus Christ, the one He called "Our Father".  Each of these articles shed light into the clouded minds of the stubborn Muslims.
     If you are Muslim or have any question for us, please give us
Feedback with the words "Islam" in the subject block.
Jesus, Prophet of Islam?- Thats what they say, but we know better. He was MORE than a prophet, JUST READ ABOUT IT!
Islam Questions and Answers Forum- A place for all people to ask and answer questions
This site is new. These are only the preliminary articles
Jesus, Son of Man, Son of God- Jesus was the Messiah as Muslim and Christians say, and occording to the T'nakh, the Messiah is God!
The Qur'an's Jesus- Lets look at the lies of Islam a little closer.
Why Muslims do not embrace the Truth of God- simple enough, no need for explanation we suppose.
Trinity, Baptism and the Resurection- The long held beleif by Muslims is that these Christian beleifs are false, lets just put that to the test, from the words of Jesus himself!
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