The One True Faith of
Jesus Christ
Articles Scripture
Islam Christianity is the One True Path to Salvation,

"There is no way to the Father but through Me"
The hand of the Lord was with them, and a great number who disbelieved turned to the Lord
Acts 11:21
    When many people think about conversion into a certain faith it scares them. Thats due to the teachings they received as a child telling them that if you leave your faith, eternal punishment awaits you. And so, many people are either to scarred, or to ignorant, to join the most respected and widely joined religion in the world, Christianity. For twothousand years we have been teaching to world about the wonders of Jesus Christ, and now (if you are not one already) it is time to convert and feel the love of Jesus Christ.
Do not give what is Holy to dogs, or throw your pearls before swine lest they trample them underfoot and turn and tear you to pieces.
Eternal Word TV Network
Matthew 7:6
The Jesus Prophesies
saved since 33 AD,
thats 1,015,228+ per year!
    If you are not a Christian i highly encourage you to read the Gospels and the Letters of the Apostles, they are not very long, andthen you will see beautiful love of the Lord and his marvelous deeds. Though some aspects of Religion may be tricky (e.g. The Trinity and Resurection) I have faith that you will pull through and finally see the error of your old ways. You might think to yourself, "All religions are the same, why spend the time to convery when i can get to heaven just as easily with something else?" but you see my friend, there is only one religion. CHRISTIANITY! As even the Lord jesus said himself, "There is no was to the Father except through Me", that is proof enough to become one of us. And if you do, i highly recomend Cathocism, although most Christian denominations are fine (excluding the Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints, and Church of Jesus Christ Scientists).
Click here for facts on the Bible
    If you are Christian, then might I suggest that you please check out the Holy Roman Catholic Church, we are always there for you. Though we may be persecuted for our customs and beliefs, I assure you that none of it is founded. In this website there is even a place to scream at Catholics for doing the things they do, but we will answer the criticism and I trust that you would not be so closed minded as they. While some churchs may have some truth, the Catholic Church is the onely Church that God has given full knowledge of anything that we humans can learn as of this day. To summerize, if it can be known, it is known by the Church. 
    It is true that some may critisies you for converting to the Faith that jesus Christ started himself, but it is worth it. In some countries, people are beaten and killed for even having a bible in their hands, let alone preachingt he word (as Jesus told us to do). The Lord said though: "Blessed are you when they insult you and persecute you and utter every kind of evil against you [falsely] because of Me. Rejoice and be glad! For your reward will be great in Heaven Thus they persecuted the Prophets who were before you." (Matthew 5:11-12) So you see, Christianity is a religion that tells you to love to die for your God, to serve his Almighty Name, that name which is above all others, Allah, Buddha, Mohammad, Brahma, they are all nothing compared with Jesus Christ the Lord and Savior of All.
There is one thing that Jesus has done for you that no one else could ever imagine doing for you, he dided for you. And not just for you, but for the entire world, for everyone living then, before then, and after then. He carried the full weight of the worlds sins on his back and suffered an almost unfathimable pain...for you, because he loves you. He will always be there for you when you are feeling glum and he will always shelter you in the storms. He is never angry, even when you sin against his name, but saddened when you turn from him; like a Father is sad when his children abadon him. He guides you and protects you, he will always watch over you and be merciful towards you. I urge you to love him and he loves you.
Why Become Christian?- a comprehensive study of the benefits of seeing God, and the consequenses of not.
This site is new, these are the priliminary articles
The Jesus Prophesies- A study of the fulfillment of the Covenant, Jesus Christ
How do I convert?- Want the skinny on Salvation?
Anti-Catholic Sentiment- Ask questions (via E-mail) about the Church and we will answer them
Scriptural Evidence- see how Christianity is right.
Conversion Q and A
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