Jesus Christ
The One God
Judaism Scripture
"The Lord bless you and keep you! The Lord let His face shine upon you and be gracious to you! The Lord look upon you kindly and give you peace!"
    Abraham has long been acknowledged to be the father of the three monotheistic religion, Judaism, Christianity and Islam. But for centuries this great Patriarch of the Church has stood as a beacon for Jews for strength and guidance during the toughest times. Out of this great man stem the three greatest religions.
     Born Abram, to his father and mother most likely living in Babylon or Ur, Abram (says the Midrash) started thinking about the heavens and the Babylonian dieties when he was only three. Looking to the sun one day he said, "The sun is mighty, I shall pray to the sun" and he prayed all day long to the sun. Upon evening though he saw the moon rise and he said, "The moon is mighty as well, I shall pray to
Conversion Numbers 6:24-27
"God blessed them, saying to them: "Be furtile and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it. Have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and all the living things that move on the earth"
Eternal Word TV Network
The Jesus Prophesies
the moon" But when morning came and the moon was forced back down into the sky by the mighty sun, young Abram said to himself, "But the sun is more powerful than the moon, and the moon is more powerful than the sun. There must be a God who commands them both. I shall pray to him." and so (so the story goes) little Abram had his first epiphany, at three years old. Later in life Abram was said to be working in his father's shop (who sold Idols), when his father asked him to look over the shop for a while while he went someplace. Abram agreed, but when his father came back, the entire idol shop was in ruins, all the idols were smashed and brooken except for one."Abram!" shouted his father, understandibly perterbed, "Why did you smach these idols?" to which Abram replied,"The big one there told me to rise up and destroy all the other idols in this shop.""Thats silly" replied his father, "They are just idols, they cannot do anything.", then Abram stood up and walked out of the tent, "That is why I destroyed them". True, this is probebly only a legend (a Midrash) fabricated by early peoples to explain why and when Abram first heard his voices form the Almighty. The Torah (the five books of Moses) has no mention of anything in Abram's life prior to his summoning to Canaan, and his choosing of a bride (Sarai).
     God renamed Abram Abraham and Sarai, Sarah, names that should not be taken lightly, as the word Sarai (for example) means "my princess" where as the word Sarah means simply "princess" signifying her liberation from the pagan prisions of the past. In fact, everytime a character in the Bible is renamed we see a change in that person, a new beginning. When Jacob tangled with an angel of God in the desert and the angel renamed Jacob Israel, we see a change. No longer is the word Jacob used except when alluding to Israel's past crimes and sins. Israel (meaning "one who wrestles with God") is a new person, a new nation. Name changing happenes alot in the Old Testament or T'nakh (The Torah plus the boks of the History of the Jews and the books of the Prophets) To learn more about the Old and New Testament books, visit our
Explanation of the Bible page and it will answer many questions about this holy book.
     When most people think of the Old Testament or the laws and religion of the Jewish people, they think of the Ten Commandments, those ten laws given to Moses by God directly on Mount Sinai, but there are in fact six hundred and thirteen (613) commandments given throughout the Torah, the books of Moses (
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy). These laws range from the very first commandment:
Genesis 1:28
"God blessed them, saying to them: "Be furtile and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it. Have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and all the living things that move on the earth"
Genesis 1:28
Too commands that only God knows why he gave them to us (i.e. disalowing people to eat the flesh of the pig, camels, and donkeys). Though God may see into our future we, as humans, cannot. That is why we must follow all of these six hundred thirteen to a T in order to please God the father.
     We at
The One True Religion feel that the Jewish people, and Judaism, were the first to see and hear God, and therefore the first to have had a place in God's mighty heart. SInce then however, God may or may not have found dis-favour with His chosen people, when Jesus His Son came along and the Jews did not believe. Either way we know that God has been with the Jews since the time of Abraham and is probably still with them today even though they have turned from the Almighty Truth.
     Muslims claim that they were the first to hear the word of God and that Adam was indeed the first Muslim, but anyone who knows anything about the Bible knows that Adam and Eve were not even the first Jews, let alone the first Muslims! The word Muslims didnt even come around untill the 7th century and even then the percentage of Jews who converted to Islam was a very low number, and still is today. We (that is anyone who loves God) must protect the Jews if they ask for our help and keep Israel free from the tirany of the PLO. Israel are God's people and God's people cannot be messed with or you will incure the wrath of the almighty, similar to the wrath a step parent for their step child if the child is attacked by a weaker and slimier bully (Palestine). We at this website say very strongly:
Israel is the land of the Jews, therefore the Land of God! And anyone (Palestine) who crosses it with evil and malcontent will face His wrath.
The Prophesies of Jesus- see the prophesies of old come true in the form of the God-Man Jesus Christ
Who Wrote Exodus- was it Moses himself? Lets look at the new facts coming out of the Holy Land
This site is new, these are the preliminary articles
Judaism Questions and Answer Forum- ask and answer questions peer to peer.
Free the Holy Land!- information on the cimes and the methods of the PLO; their malice and evil.
Whats in a Name?- A detailed study on the meaning of names in the Jewish Religion.
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