Panic Room
New, authentic, dramatic thriller, 'Panic Room' starring Jodie Foster (Meg Altman), Kristen Stewart (Sarah), Dwight Yoakam (Raoul), Forest Whitaker (Burnham)and Jared Leto (Junior). Directed by David Fincher.
"When the start credits are excellent, you expect the movie to be amazing" - says empire magazine.

The film portrays a mother of divorced family 'Meg Altman' with daughter 'Sarah' on their journey to find a new house, one takes there fancy - a huge authentic New York house. With it comes a 'panic room' a safe room, where no one can enter and no one can leave, its a room which is also impossible to break into. Through this on their first night while staying there, a few unencountered visiters arrive. Ones that were not invited. They manage to break in, while realising the house has people living there. The three men are they to retrive a sum of over 10million dollers stored in the panic room.!! In their atempt to get it, Meg and Sarah lock themselfs in the panic room, unabling the men to get in. However, they have many plans of there own.. all which fail, while meg and sarah are trying to get out the men are trying to get in. Because of course they have no idea why the men are in their house. Many rescue/breaking and entering attemps are happening. Ends up with meg beating up the men, and fighting for her life. All in all a absolutly well filmed and tension mounting film, which keeps you on the end of your seats the whole way through.
Panic Room has hit the Movies, topped the charts and should be out in the shops on DVD and VHS in June/July
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