Writing Runes

If you don't already have a personal mark, choose a couple of 
favortie runes, and draw them together. Then add a couple of other 
symbols and one of your initials. Using this mark on your personal 
property to designate ownership will also empower the object. You 
can use the runes that spell out your name as personal power symbols. 
They are your birthright. Check the meanings of the runes in your name 
to get in touch with runic energies present in it. You can write your 
name in runes on personal property, scratch the symbols on the underside 
of your automobile, use them as house marks, embroider them into a sampler 
or quilt, trace them on a fogged window, and even write them on the beach 
in the sand. Use your inagination, for their uses are limitless.

 One way to improve your knowledge of the runes and the words that stem from 
them is to choose a word in English that derives from the runes, for example, 
"gift" from Gebo, "lake" from Laguz, "ride" from Raidho, or "day" from Dagaz. 
Take a few minutes to think about how the word relates to your own life. For 
instance, if you examine "day" from Dagaz, ask yourself if you are a day or 
night person. What do you do with your days? What do dawn (daybreak), day time, 
and dusk (day's end) hold for you? Are some days of the week better than others? 
This practice connects you even more with the energies of the runes.

 The following list of alphabetical correspondences can be used as a handy 
reference guide when writing with runes. Keep in mind that it is sometimes 
best to go with the sound rather than the literal correspondence. Let your 
intuition guide you.

 Alphabetical Correspondences to the Elder Futhark

 A-Ansuz     B-Berkana     C-Kenaz
 D-Dagaz     E-Ehwaz     F-Fehu
 G-Gebo     H-Hagalaz     I-Isa or Eihwaz
 J-Jera or Isa     K-Kenaz     L-Laguz
 M-Mannaz     N-Naudhiz     NG-Ingwaz
 O-Othala     P-Perdhro     Q-Kenaz
 R-Raidho     S-Sowilo     T-Tiwaz
 U-Uruz     V-Wunjo or Uruz     W-Wunjo
 X-Kenaz plus Sowilo     Y-Jera     Z-Algiz or Sowilo
 Final E, Z, or R-Algiz     TH-Thurisaz and Dagaz

 Runes are never written using lowercase letters-only uppercase, and no 
curves, only straight lines. This makes them very easy to learn and write. 
The runes are often written as a continuous link of text, without spaces 
between the words or sentences. To separate words or sentences from each 
other, use notations such as one, two, or three dots or a small Gebo "X."

 Runes can also be written in every direction-right to left or left to right. 
For example, "you" could be written as you or uoy.
 They can be written with the first sentence proceeding right to left, and 
the second sentence proceeding left to right. Sometimes runes are written 
as a mirror image, upside down, in vertical rows, or bound together.

 Runes can also be cut or written on just about anything. For example, you 
can carve runes into stone by cutting many points close together, until you 
have a complete line. A chisel and hammer, preferably consecrated, work well 
for this purpose.

Traditional Runic Practices

Buildings With Runes

Runes As Alphabets

Secret Runes


Rune Categories

The Runes

Elder Futhark's Three Aettir

Rune Interpretations

Divination With Runes

Rune Meditation Techniques

Rune Dreaming Techniques

The Magical Uses of Runes


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