Chernobyl Children in Need Supporting needy children in and around the village of Ozarichi,Belarus.


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This is the web page of Chernobyl Children in Need, a Registered Charity. We aim to provide support in various ways (building projects, money, toys, medical supplies) to children in the village of Ozarichi, south Belarus.

Ozarichi is a small town of 4000 inhabitants, about 3 hours drive from the capital of Belarus, Minsk. It has 4 shops, a hospital, a main school for children aged 7 to 17 and two smaller schools for special needs and orphans.

In October 1986, the nuclear power plant Chernobyl in the Ukraine exploded, throwing thousands of tonnes of radioactive gases into the atmosphere. Due to the direction of the wind, much of the radioactive fallout fell onto Belarus. Ozarichi village is not within the exclusion zone that has mostly been evacuated, but still has been affected by the radiation. The majority of the children in Ozarichi have mild to severe problems with Thyroid glands, physical development and risk of cancers.

Belarus generally has a very poor economy. Even those children who are in two parent families often do not receive the medication and nutrition that they require.

There are a number of charities in the UK and worldwide that support Children from Belarus. These include Chernobyl Childrens Lifeline and Children of Chernobyl, both of which we have close and friendly relations.

Chernobyl Children in Need differs from these charities in a number of ways. CCIN believes that the children are better served by long term financial and medical support in the home village with their families and friends around them.

Our Main Aims:

* To support Ozarichi children in the place where they are (in the homes and the orphanage)

* To raise money within the UK, and provide long term support for the children we have chosen

* To raise awareness of the plight of those people affected by Chernobyl in Belarus

* To create a long term relationship with the village of Ozarichi as a whole and CCIN sponsors.

For more detail see our About CCIN page.


School Toilet Project The Ozarichi Special Needs School and orphanage currently have no modern toilets.

Toilet Project
At the moment, the children have to go the end of the playing field and use a old shed. We need to raise 15,000 to install a new toilet block with running water.  

New Children needing sponsors

Ivan. Ivan is an orphan. His parents died in a car crash last year. He is being looked after by a poor aunt in the Ozarichi.

Desperately seeking Corporate Sponsors

Could your company provide a lump sum donation or ongoing monthly support? Could your company support a child for 10 pounds a month? We would be happy to assist you in having a dress-down charity day for CCIN.

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