Same-sex Lust Recovery in SA



Same-sex lust - what is that?

Same-sex love and same-sex lust

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Sexual sobriety in SA

Homophobia and SA

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Homophobia and SA


Here is what some SA members say about this. .


“Definition: “Unreasoning fear of or antipathy toward homosexuals and homosexuality” (Random House II). (It's interesting that the term came into usage in the late Fifties, just as the Sexual Revolution was getting underway.) 


“Granted, there's unreasoning fear and antipathy regarding the same-sex experience in the world. However, I'm hard pressed to detect any of this in SA meetings. To the contrary, I see and hear a lot of tolerance, identification, and compassion.


“I do confess to having been afraid of lust in any form. You could call me lustophobic. Now there's a term most of us could hang our hats on! I've been struck by both forms of the rattlesnake and don't want any part of any of lust. And one of my great joys today is increasingly surrendering fear of lust. It's all right to be tempted; I have a Way out today. There's victory over lust and all its fear, thank God.…   



“My addiction can't accept same-sex sexualizing in SA because of what I experienced in my acting out. It's toxic for me. . . . I just can't be around it any more.



“How To Treat Same-Sex ….Persons in SA  With understanding and compassion, just like we would want to be treated. Most of us know some very dear people from these experiences. In some meetings, they may even make up a considerable percentage of members.


“However, this doesn't mean we have to accommodate or validate same-sex … sexualizing or call ourselves or other members sober when we are not. We support recovery in anyone of any experience.”



The above quotes are all from Principles Corroborating SA's Interpretation of Sexual Sobriety, copyright 1991 SA Literature, all rights reserved.

Reprinted with permission of SA Literature.



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