Same-sex Lust Recovery in SA


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What is same-sex lust?

Same-sex love and same-sex lust

Members share their experience strength and hope

Sexual sobriety in SA

Homophobia and SA

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Sexaholics Anonymous (SA) is one of a number of 12 step fellowships dealing with recovery from compulsive sexual thinking and behavior.  .  While other fellowships may make no distinction between same-sex and opposite-sex behavior, SA explicitly defines sexual sobriety to exclude same-sex behavior.

This unique aspect of SA sobriety has actually drawn many members dealing with same-sex issues to SA.  Surveys of SA members show that something like one in five members have experienced same sex lust.


Some of have joined SA from other S fellowships because when we stated we wanted to stop all same-sex behavior we were greeted with lack or support or even derision.


Many of us have been in same-sex relationships, while others have never acted out with another person, and still others have had countless sexual partners.  Some of us follow traditional religious practice, others do not.  Some have been secretive about having same-sex attractions, while others may still live with a former sexual partner.  Regardless of these circumstances all of us have discovered in SA sobriety and recovery is the “key to a happy and joyous freedom we could otherwise never know.” (Sexaholics Anonymous p. 202)


This website has been created to share the experience of some of the many SA members who deal with same sex lust and have found SA a safe place to recover.


Perhaps there are few members in your SA group or area dealing with same sex lust. We hope this resource will help those recovering from same sex lust and those wanting to learn more about same sex lust recovery in SA.

If you doubt whether SA sobriety is possible, we invite you to explore this site and try our program.  Many of us felt just as you do, but we found that the hand of SA was there to help.


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