Imagen 057

My Resumé is for you to admire.

Crazy Bots is a silly story that I am working on. This is a continuation of the same story.

I am very sorry to say that the story continues futher

Read About the future of the Calgary-Edmonton coridor.

Oh NO! Not another BLOG!?! BARF!BARF! BARF!

THE DEVIL can easilly be avoided

Tune into CRM TV.

There is an unusual moon that orbits the lovly planet of Saturn. It is called Iapetus.

This is an account of my some of the dreams that I have had in the past year. Some people say that you are more likely to dream lucidly if you record what happens in your mind when you sleep.

This .is my invention.(fiction) Try not to understand.

This .This is a story(fiction) that was writen by me.

This is a list of photos.

fast motion santiago @ Yahoo! Video

Now, What you've all been waiting for: How to get eaten by Lions Links:

How I would try to improove transit service in Calgary.

This way!

This part here is somewhat redundant. The links above, there are also links to the exact same pages in the text that is even further above them...they text that is way above this...up, up, up. But this web page is a rellick of something older

This is a webpage that has a link to my "How to get eaten by lions" thingy.

Here Are some other things that I have written. Spelling disclaimer: If my spelling reeeeeealy bothers you,...I guess you can send me a revised version of what you found on this site...and I guess, mabye I might possible post your revised version...other wize, yes my spelling is bad, and if you got a problem with it, well you can goto heck!

(c) 2005 [email protected]

I am not done yet. There will be more after what you have just read. In fact, you are reading it now. The more you will learn, the less you will want to know. It will make you uncomfortable and you will have a frantic vomiting fit that come with little or no warning. People will indeed watch you with disgust as the stomachy liquid spurts from your lips. Some will fean sympathy. This is only because they want to borrow your truck so that they can take their filthy, dirty children to some stupid, ugly lake. But the joke is on them because you don't own a truck and if you do, you're just not nice enough to even let them breath on it, let alone pile their junk in the back and take it out of town for a weakend. "No you can't borrow my truck (I don't even have a truck)!" you will scream.

Many of the people who are unfortunate enough to be close to you will spend days trying to forget the the awefull gags and burps that your guts force you to produce; wretched sounds that no one can even come close to ignoring; lengthy dry heaving will follow.

"Get your own damn truck!"

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